Majors and Minors - Academics - Virginia Military Institute
VMI offers 14 majors across engineering, the sciences, and arts and humanities. Specialized degree tracks are available in Computer Science and Chemistry, and students also have the choice of a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in Biology and Chemistry.
Academic Program - Academics - Virginia Military Institute
Cadets should expect a rigorous academic environment with VMI’s Academic Program. It encourages life-long learning and develops citizens of character who anticipate, respond, and lead in a complex and changing world. The program is also designed to cultivate the characteristics of a VMI graduate.
Biology Degrees - Academics - Virginia Military Institute
A biology degree at VMI is designed to give the student a solid background in the biological and natural sciences while maintaining the flexibility for the student to select courses that meet …
Virginia Military Institute Academics & Majors - US News Best …
The most popular majors at Virginia Military Institute include: International Relations and Affairs; Economics, General; History, General; Civil Engineering, General; Psychology, General;...
The Academic Program - Virginia Military Institute
VMI offers cadets a challenging four-year core curriculum and fourteen nationally recognized majors in engineering, sciences, and the humanities with an array of enrichment opportunities provided through the Institute Honors Program, undergraduate research, foreign study, internships, and the Institute Writing Program.
All 14 majors at Virginia Military Institute | VMI | CollegeVine
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Virginia Military Institute Majors Offered
VMI Parade Lexington,VA 24450-0304 (540) 464-7207 Virginia Military Institute Overview Majors Admissions Campus Tuition
What academic majors does VMI offer? - CollegeVine
Virginia Military Institute (VMI) offers a variety of majors across different disciplines. Their undergraduate programs are organized across four main divisions: Engineering, Humanities & Social Sciences, Science, and Leadership Studies.
VMI offers a rigorous education that includes a broad undergraduate program with majors in engineering, science, liberal arts, and social sciences. Leadership studies and character development are woven into every curriculum, providing lifelong benefits for graduates.
Virginia Military Institute, Majors & Degree Programs
Virginia Military Institute offers 14 distinct undergraduate degrees, concentrated into 14 majors within 10 broad fields of study. Across all areas of study, Virginia Military Institute awarded 383 undergraduate degrees in 2019 - 2020 .