Practical Tips for VMI Rats - United States of America Service …
2013年12月2日 · I would echo most of these. (Not sure about trolling for a Dyke- you kind of get what you get and sometimes you just get a lemon My son's dyke was in the latter category, but my dyke as a Rat was a hero, and my Rat is at VMI today and I still talk with him all the time (won't tell you who but he is a marvelous VMI man and I …
VMI Ratline & PT - United States of America Service Academy …
2018年7月20日 · Looking forward to the VMI vs Citadel football game and 3-hour RDC workout (I hope its a ruck, the assault packs for rats are baby weight compared to our Army rucks). RahVaMil! Reactions: lizardsoup , Landy91 , gd305 and 1 other person
Phases of the Ratline - United States of America Service Academy …
2013年12月2日 · Many Rats do not have 'Dykes' yet as the full Corps is not back in Barracks. This is the most physical phase of being a Rat. It is a confusing, yelling, whirlwind of activity. Emotionally many rats project forward and assume that the entire Ratline will be just like this 'Hell Week' Sadly - that is why some quit during this phase.
VMI Ratline Severity - United States of America Service Academy …
2018年1月13日 · They let the rats eat more now. Basically, if you can get through the first month you can finish the ratline. Remember, no on likes being at VMI so even your cadre will get sick of administering the ratline. You will get a lot of experience at VMI will all adds up to a lot of stories you will not get anywhere else. Our RDC president is a lawyer ...
Ask Me Anything: Rat at Virginia Military Institute
2017年3月29日 · However, STP is nowehere near the Ratline, which begins upon march-in in August. A common joke is that when we shave the rats heads the common sense too! As a rat you "white-out" and forget everything you thought you …
VMI questions | United States of America Service Academy Forums
2018年3月18日 · The amount of parking at VMI is very limited. There are cadets that "break the rules" and find a way to keep a car "downtown" or somewhere near Lexington. (if you do, its best not to have a VMI license plate or VMI stickers on the car -- Lexington is small town and VMI is a small school -- besides, the haircut will give you away.)
VMI Rat/Dyke relationship - United States of America Service …
2019年1月22日 · I am now a huge supporter of this program at VMI having seen my son benefit as a Rat from his relationship to his Dyke, and then see him be a great Dyke to his Rat. I think Gen Peay has has put processes in place to make sure what was a good program at VMI, become a great program for the future of VMI cadets. Happy to chat more here or via PM.
VMI - Questions from a 1st year parent | United States of America ...
2018年12月10日 · Turtle runner and I have posted a lot about VMI over the past 4 years. Her son and my son are 34 days from graduation! Just plug our avatars or VMI into the search bar within this part of the forum and you will get a lot of hits. Also definitely get on the VMI parent page for Rat Mass 2020+3 Welcome to an extraordinary family!
Visting my Rat at VMI | United States of America Service Academy …
2008年2月2日 · www.ewbcadet.org is a site from which you can order birthday cakes, end of hell week packages, etc. and all proceeds go to VMI Engineers Without Borders. They deliver right to the cadet's room. Some class of 2017 VMI Parents formed a facebook page early on and it was a good source of info as several had upperclassmen in barracks as well.
VMI-Overnight Visit - United States of America Service Academy …
2008年2月2日 · VMI overnight My son went and he said the Rats, they were still Rats during his visit, and he said they told him just what it was really going to be like, and got him to buy them pizza and used him to avoid the strain. The Citadel did not offer overnights and Norwich was a great overnight program too. Much nicer barracks.