What your VMI ring means : | United States of America Service …
2008年2月2日 · I lifted this from an Alumni web site, but it is a marvelous story that indicates what the Ring and the experiences shared at VMI mean to most alums: Enjoy: “On this day, the night of Feb 27, 1944, Alumnus CPT Stanley R. Navas '41 was in Sessano, Italy. He led a combat raid of 30 men behind the...
2 Citadel Rings - United States of America Service Academy Forums
2024年7月29日 · The other is a "combat" ring made of lustrium with the same design but no stone. Honestly my ring is huge and heavy (38 pwt) and I only now wear it at a VMI function or when visiting post. My combat ring while still the same size is much lighter and more comfortable to wear. DS gets his ring in November and he ordered both in the 44 pwt size.
Citadel vs VMI vs MJC | United States of America Service Academy …
2024年12月4日 · @RBI90VMI is the best source for up to date info on VMI. He has a son that just received his ring (congrats BTW!) and he also graduated from VMI. @glen is by far the best source of info on The Citadel. My DS graduated this year from The Citadel, I'm happy to answer any questions (my info in from the parents perspective and not a student FYI ...
VMI Class of 2020 Ring Figure | United States of America Service ...
2018年11月19日 · For those interested in VMI . . . The history of a Class Ring has a long tradition at VMI, including the term "Ring Figure"...
VMI Ring Figure Weekend - United States of America Service …
2008年2月2日 · If you go to VMI this weekend you will see a boatload of phenomenally happy cadets and dazzlingly attired dates for the major social event in a Cadet's life. This weekend is the 2d biggest event in a Cadet's time at VMI- Ring Figure weekend for the 2d Classmen. Congratulations to the class of 2012 who will be getting their rings Sunday. Wear ...
VMI and the Citadel | Page 2 - United States of America Service …
2009年7月25日 · Knightsdad- at VMI when I was a Cadet each class designed one "Class" side of the ring and then there was the "Institute" side that stayed the same. Much to my chagrin- now each VMI class designs both sides of the ring (which to me is too bad as the ring ought to symbolize some continuity- but not my call I guess.
Class Rings for graduation | Page 2 | United States of America …
2008年2月2日 · This year's cost for USNA Class Ring: The basic mens large ring, imitation stone that came with the ring, dark antique finish, two lines of engraving, open back so that stone can be replaced at a later date: $825.00 Rings were paid for this past week (if not paid when ordered in October) and are to be delivered to the Mids within the next week.
VMI vs USNA - United States of America Service Academy Forums
2014年6月13日 · VMI will get you to the same place, and there will even potentially be a smaller network of grads for wherever it is you land out there on active duty. Still, though, it's not to the extent as the SA, and while VMI is a strong school, it isn't 100% focused on preparing you for a career as a military officer in a specific branch of service.
Norwich vs. VMI, Making a tough choice - United States of …
2009年2月17日 · In 2008 VMI commissioned 26 Marine Officers while Norwich commissioned 17 Marines. Overall I believe that VMI commissioned about 130 officers in 2008 while Norwich commissioned 91. I think that if you want to be a Marine officer (or an officer in any of the other services)you will be well prepared if you go to either school.
Class Rings for graduation - United States of America Service …
2008年6月16日 · As a proud wearer of a VMI ring - A few suggestions. I'm actually now wearing my 3rd ring in 30 years- I hope that the current proud possesors of the two predecessors of this ring in Korea and Syria are enjoying it and have developed some good stories of their days as a Keydet! (Those sorry BXXXXXXS!).