Vastus Medialis Oblique - Physiopedia
The Vastus Medialis Oblique (VMO) muscle is the muscle that makes up the distal most fibres of the Vastus Medialis (VM) muscle of the Quadriceps. The VMO and VM muscles are functionally different due to different orientation of muscle fibres.
A comparison of the proximal and distal parts of the vastus medialis ...
1997年1月1日 · The vastus medialis muscle has two distinct parts with different fibre orientations and specific functions; the vastus medialis longus (VML) and the vastus medialis oblique/obliquus (VMO). A fascial plane dividing the two parts, and separate nerve branches supplying each muscle part have been reported.
Variation in Morphometry of Vastus Medialis Muscle - PubMed
The functional importance of VML and VMO is well explained but the anatomical evidence of separate identity of VMO is lacking. Aim: To determine muscle fiber angles and lengths of VML and VMO, to find out the distinct nerve supply and fascial plane between VML and VMO and to evaluate VM insertion in relation to patella.
Variation in Morphometry of Vastus Medialis Muscle - PMC
The Vastus Medialis (VM) muscle divides into two parts, proximal Vastus Medialis Longus (VML) and distal Vastus Medialis Obliquus (VMO). The VMO originates from the tendon of adductor magnus and insert into the medial border of patella and these ...
Vastus medialis: a reappraisal of VMO and VML - ResearchGate
2012年7月1日 · This controlled laboratory study investigated the hypothesis that reduced Vastus Medialis Obliquus (VMO) and Vastus Medialis Longus (VML) muscle tension would alter patellar tracking,...
Do the vastus medialis obliquus and vastus medialis longus ... - PubMed
There remains controversy over whether the vastus medialis (VM) is a single anatomical structure or whether it is composed of two separate portions, the vastus medialis longus (VML) proximally and the vastus medialis obliquus (VMO) distally. The objective of this study was to assess the evidence bas …
Muscle architecture of vastus medialis obliquus and longus and …
2019年1月30日 · VMO and VML are architecturally and functionally distinct, as evidenced by marked differences in their musculoaponeurotic geometry, attachment sites, and architectural parameters. VMO likely contributes greater to medial patellar stabilization, whereas VML, with a larger relative excursion and force-generating capability, to the extension of ...
Vastus Medialis: a Reappraisal of VMO and VML - Academia.edu
The morphology and innervation pattern of the vastus medialis (VM) were investigated to determine if there was an anatomical distinction between the oblique (VMO) and longus (VML) parts. [Subjects and Methods] Forty lower limbs were dissected. The
Vastus Medialis: a Reappraisal of VMO and VML - J-STAGE
[Purpose] The morphology and innervation pattern of the vastus medialis (VM) were investigated to determine if there was an anatomical distinction between the oblique (VMO) and longus (VML) parts. [Subjects and Methods] Forty lower limbs were dissected.
Vastus Medialis: a Reappraisal of VMO and VML - Semantic Scholar
2012年7月31日 · [Purpose] The morphology and innervation pattern of the vastus medialis (VM) were investigated to determine if there was an anatomical distinction between the oblique (VMO) and longus (VML) parts. [Subjects and Methods] Forty lower limbs were dissected. The innervation pattern was observed in 39 specimens.