When is Vmo/Mmo applicable? - Aviation Stack Exchange
2021年7月25日 · Eventually, the Mach number will reach Mmo and now you are limited by Mmo rather than Vmo. At what altitude this happens depends on the exact values of Vmo and Mmo and also on the actual environmental conditions (e.g. temperature). As an example, let us consider a Boeing 737NG in ISA conditions with a Vmo of 340 kt and an Mmo of 0.82 . Then Vmo ...
v speeds - What exactly is VMO and how does it affect a plane …
2015年7月21日 · The format of this site is Questions & Answers. If you would address the questions with an answer that explains Vmo in the context of Part 23 and Part 25, that would be valuable. Your current post does not answer the question and will likely be removed by the community. $\endgroup$ –
When does the overspeed alarm goes off in a plane?
2016年11月4日 · Therefore, if VMO is 350 knots you can go faster than 350 knots true airspeed, but only at a high enough altitude where your indicated airspeed is still lower than 350 knots. For example, at 20,000 ft. MSL I can go 450 kts. true airspeed without going above 350 knots indicated airspeed. VMO is used in place of MMO when VMO is lower.
What's the difference between "rapid descent" and "emergency …
2024年1月16日 · If you have in-flight deployable speed brakes/spoilers that are good to operate at Vmo/Mmo, fully out to increase the descent rate. If it's an emergency, like a cabin pressurization warning or smoke, you will be donning masks, setting the transponder to 7700, and declaring an emergency on the radio, which allows you to start down immediately ...
Airbus A320 automatic speed mode protection in SRS vertical mode
2018年11月9日 · Of course, in this particular case the high speed prot will activate at VMO/MMO so if you manage to get that fast while still in SRS you have bigger problems than the thrust For your second question: mode reversion to Speed will occur at VMAX (which is lower of VMO, VLE or VFE), but for SRS there is no flap overspeed protection so only VMO will ...
Does MMO (limiting Mach number) assume any maneuvering limits?
2018年4月23日 · An attempt to maintain MMO/VMO in a spiral dive turn would probably end poorly. If you are diving straight at VMO, spoilers out, and want to get down faster, depending on the airplane you might get a faster descent by slowing to gear extension speed and extending the gear, but I don't think most manufacturers recommend that and it's not ...
What is the difference between Vno and Va [duplicate]
Vno is Normal Operating and is similar to Vb but seems to be applied only to non-transport a/c. Transport a/c have Va, Vb and Vmo. $\endgroup$ – John K Commented Feb 25, 2019 at 19:20
aircraft performance - Why is the normal operating airspeed so …
VMO is given in IAS. You can convert MMO to an airspeed based on altitude, but really they are two independent limits, and whichever limit is lower at your altitude must be observed. Your max cruise speed data only makes sense if a TAS; converting it to a Mach number at the given cruise altitude reveals it is the same as MMO only expressed in ...
What pitch attitudes are common during an emergency descent …
2020年8月20日 · Keep the airplane in trim at all times. If MMO/VMO is inadvertently exceeded, change pitch smoothly to decrease speed. (Boeing 737 NG FCTM - 7.7 Maneuvers - Rapid Descent, emphasis mine) Note that the 10° nose down attitude is only the initial pitch to start the descent and increase airspeed to MMO/VMO. Afterwards, the nose is raised to ...
How do manufacturers/kit providers determine Vne?
2016年9月12日 · VD is one of the so called design speeds defined at design time. Many of the structural/aeroelastic characteristics have to be demonstrated at speeds up to VD during flight test. However VD is for certification flight testing only. Normal operation is limited to VNE. However VNE is for light aircraft only. Larger aircraft have VMO instead.