三丰 (Mitutoyo)视频显微镜设备 (VMU) | 爱特蒙特光学
Mitutoyo视频显微镜设备 (VMU)用于将/microscopy/infinity-corrected-objectives/远场校正物镜连接至 C接口相机,以快速轻松地完成高功率显微镜系统设置。 Mitutoyo视频显微镜设备 (VMU)提供1X放大倍率,而其具有的线内照明接口可最大程度地提高对比度,以及产生比落射照明还要简单的照明。 此外,VMU为可见光谱到NIR光谱的范围优化,因此也非常适合与可调光圈搭配使用,以在无需调整相机快门或增益的情况下控制光通量。 VMU可搭配MT-L转接镜 #56-073,兼容近紫 …
By installing a digital camera on a microscope the VMU provides a simple and compact system which allows microphotography and simultaneous external monitor observations. The VMU can be used in vertical and inverted positions according to your application requirements. > Microphotography and observation of metallic, resinous and printed surfaces
Mitutoyo Video Microscope Units (VMU) - Edmund Optics
Mitutoyo Video Microscope Units (VMU) utilize optics optimized for the NUV, VIS, or NIR spectra, making them ideal and directly compatible with a wide selection of Mitutoyo infinity corrected objectives. Mitutoyo Manual Turrets are available for each VMU configuration.
MITUTOYO VMU-V 显微镜 - MachineTools.com
- Models with enhanced rigidity and performance (VMU-LB / VMU-L4B). - Custom-order is available to meet the customers' requirements (Dual-camera, double magnification (high & low), etc.)
1X Laser Video Microscope Body (VMU-V) Mitutoyo-378-505
Buy 1X Laser Video Microscope Body (VMU-V) Mitutoyo-378-505 at Boli Optics Microscope Store. Fast free shipping within contiguous USA. Shop professional, high quality microscopes, microscope accessories, and magnifying lamps.
Mitutoyo 視訊顯微鏡裝置 (VMU) - Edmund Optics
Mitutoyo視訊顯微鏡裝置 (VMU) 提供1倍的放大倍率,具有同軸照明連接埠,與落射螢光技術相較,可實現最大的對比度與簡易的照明。 VMU已針對可見光至近紅外光譜範圍進行最佳化,還具備可調整的光圈以控制進光量,而無需調整相機的快門或增益。
專為安裝於機台的設計,小巧輕便的相機 wide vmu系列 觀察專用顯微鏡 搭載廣視野影像感測器(aps-c格式以 下),能在維持現有光學性能的情況下, 將視野半徑約增大至vmu系列的3倍,視 野面積約擴大至7倍,對提升檢查效率有 莫大貢獻。
Mitutoyo, Category: Video Microscope Unit VMU Series
The VMU is a compact, lightweight and easy-to-install microscope unit for CCD camera monitoring in semiconductor fabrication facilities. The optical system features ultra-long working distance objectives and correction for the wide range of radiation wavelengths in use.
ビデオマイクロスコープユニット VMUシリーズ | 商品 | ミツトヨ
ビデオマイクロスコープユニット vmuシリーズ コンパクトかつ軽量なカメラ観察専用顕微鏡をラインナップ。 垂直方向、水平方向、垂直方向(回転可能)にカメラの取り付けが可能なタイプを揃えています。
The VMU series provides a wide range of small, lightweight microscope units to be integrated into automatic optical inspection devices (AOI) and repair equipment of all sizes. Objectives compatible with YAG lasers (1064 nm, 532 nm, 355 nm …