Dual-Band Wireless AC/N VDSL2 Bonding Gateway
Rated as AC2400, the Zyxel VMG4927-B50A delivers speeds of up to 1.7 Gbps* over 5 GHz and 600 Mbps* over 2.4 GHz. For better user experience, the VMG4927-B50A offers dual-band Wi-Fi with performance-boosting features such as Multi-User MIMO (MU-MIMO) and Beamforming for simultaneous, lag-free streaming and gaming experiences.
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User’s Guide - Zyxel
It provides shared Internet access by connecting the DSL port to the DSL or MODEM jack on a splitter or your telephone jack. You can have multiple WAN services over one ADSL or VDSL. The VMG cannot work in ADSL and VDSL mode at the same time. Note: The ADSL and VDSL lines share the same WAN (layer-2) interfaces that you configure in the VMG.
VMG4927-B50A Dual-Band Wireless AC2400 Wave 2 VDSL2 …
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ZyXEL Communications VMG4927-B50A Quick Start Manual
View and Download ZyXEL Communications VMG4927-B50A quick start manual online. Dual-Band Wireless AC/N VDSL2 Bonding Gateway. VMG4927-B50A gateway pdf manual download.
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4927N Datasheet, PDF - Alldatasheet
Description: Single N?묬hannel Power MOSFET. 9 Results. Part #: NTMFS4927NCT1G. Datasheet: 120Kb/7P. Manufacturer: ON Semiconductor.
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