VP9 A1 K | HKPRO Forums
VP9 & VP9L, CR556A1, P30SKs, SP5K, MR762A1, & 3 other 416'ish clones (BRN4 lowers & OEM 416 uppers/parts) in various states of build (currently) Reactions: mdsig45 , ca survivor , DougLyle and 1 other person
VP9 A1 | HKPRO Forums
2024年12月27日 · the VP9 already has the same barrel length as a G19 IIRC, so I don’t know how they’ll make it anymore compact than just reducing the grip size. Save Share Reply Quote Like
Notes from the VP9 Armorer Course | HKPRO Forums
2015年2月14日 · In the VP9 design, there is a raised detent on the firing pin safety which makes contact with a corresponding raised detent on the trigger bar, and as the trigger bar is moving reward with the pull of the trigger, the pressure of those detents making contact, sweeps the firing pin safety to the side, removing the block of the firing pin’s ...
VP9 ammo question - HKPRO Forums
2015年10月29日 · VP9 ammo queation I have not had any 9mm ammo issues with my VP9. I have fired the follow rounds. For SD I have fired at least 50 rounds of these types of ammo: Winchester 124gr +P T-Series Winchester 147gr Q4364 Winchester 147gr SXT Remington 147gr Golden Saber bonded Remington 124gr +P Golden Saber bonded Speer 124gr Standard …
USP or VP9? | HKPRO Forums
2022年3月7日 · The VP9 might be easier to find accessories. The mags are cheaper, and you can easily put an optic on it, but the USPs lines can not be beat. When you pick one up it feels like a tank in the best way possible. I have a VP9 Tac OR, an HK45 tac, and an MK23 and the USPs are still my favorites.
Any reason to choose a p30 over a vp9 | HKPRO Forums
2014年11月23日 · If you're used to or like striker fired guns stick with the VP9. I personally have a P30L V3 and a VP9. The P30L was my favorite modern HK pistol. Not anymore. The sight radius on both are about the same, maybe 1/8" difference. The trigger reset and break is nicer on the VP9 imo, lower bore axis, blah blah blah.
Apple M1 VP9/AV1 decoding? - MacRumors Forums
2020年10月23日 · None appear to support hardware vp9 decode as shown in chrome://gpu. Created an account just to ask you this. EDIT: I found it, I am in the Chrome Canary M1 build (may be available in older builds as well) - Go to chrome://flags Search for VP9 and set VideoToolbox VP9 Decoding to Enabled Restart the browser
Pros & Cons of VP9 LE | HKPRO Forums
2016年5月24日 · Pros: Vp9 is the best shooting polymer gun on the market. The Meps are great nights sights and allow you to rack your slide off of almost anything. Much better than the factory sights in my opinion. You also get an extra mag and Vp9 mags are hard to find and can be expensive compared to some other polymer guns..
For all the Hk fans, a new VP9 - Glock Talk
2025年1月3日 · The vp9 outsells them because people are riding this striker craze. I like my vp9 a lot but the USP and p30 are far better pistols imo. ESP the USP. I don’t own a p2000 but I’m sure it’s also great. Don’t sell them off. I bet HK USA has some new stuff coming out this year.
VP9L vs VP9 Match, help a brother out - HKPRO Forums
2021年8月12日 · Comparing two early production VP9L ORs to an early production VP9 Match only the Match has German proofmark/antlers etc. Most won’t care but deep dive HK purists will. Again, this is sample of 3 guns but if true for the series they represent this is a difference that I haven’t heard anyone mention.