MiSTer-devel/NES_MiSTer - GitHub
This is an FPGA implementation of the NES/Famicom based on FPGANES by Ludvig Strigeus and ported to MiSTer. Copy the NES_*.rbf file to the directory or subdirectory of /media/fat/. Create a games/NES/ directory on the root of the SD card (/media/fat/games/NES/), and place NES roms (*.nes) inside this NES directory.
Re: 从零开始的红白机模拟 - [30] VRC6 咆哮 - 知乎
vrc6支持在名称表中使用rom代替ram(偷懒没有完成, 涉及到影响状态读写, 考虑最后一起完成) VRC6的IRQ是基于CPU而不是PPU, 所以水平同步接口增加了一个参数(扫描行)
Super Mario Bros (2 players hack) repro hell - nesdev.org
2011年6月12日 · Unfortunatelly "SMB 2 players" is based on VRC6 mapper, so I would need to make FPGA emulation of it, but that would be waste of resources because game utilizes only tine subset of mapper's capabilities. They are: * PRG mode: $8000-$bfff = 16k switchable, $c000-$ffff: hardwired to last 16k bank (UNROM) * CHR mode: non-bankable 8k
EverDrive N8 PRO - krikzz.com
Built-in NSF player with expansion chips support (VRC6, VRC7, Sunsoft-5b, Namco-163). Battery voltage monitoring. Battery can be replaced in time if it going dry. Wide range of supported mappers. NES2.0 partial support. Game Genie cheats support. Downloads:
MiSTer Famicom Disk System FPGA Core - RetroRGB
2018年11月7日 · MiSTer's NES core is getting Nintendo Famicom Disk System (FDS) support care of GreyRogue, making it the first FPGA system that natively supports FDS without needing additional hardware to load ROMs. The same update also adds expansion audio for VRC6 and Sunsoft-5B mapper games (Gimmick, Akumajou Dr
I want a NES PCB that can do....... - NESdev
2014年11月23日 · I want a NES PCB with a small FPGA chip on it that can eliminate sprite flicker just like how the Analogue FPGA console can do. I also want this FPGA to be able to recreate all of the extra sound chips like VRC6 and such.
Home made cartridge that support>80% NES games - NESdev
2011年6月12日 · My first steps at NES developing scene began in 2012, when I created huge cartridge, that was my Master of Thesis at High School. It was based on Xilinx XC3S400 (Spartan 3) kit. I implemented support for over 95% games, including mappers like MMC5, VRC6. Unfortunately, complex design and huge size and also second faculty made me abandon this ...
Fixing the VRC6 of the Everdrive N8 at last
2015年9月15日 · I recently finished a project on my NESRGB-modded console, where I wanted the Everdrive N8's VRC6 audio mixed in with the NESRGB's sound output. In this case, I found you don't bridge pin 9 with pin 3 with a resistor at all.
FC机中的VRC6芯片工作机制 - CSDN博客
2006年11月1日 · VRC6 附加声音芯片用于 Konami 的 基于 VRC6(对应 Mapper24 和 Mapper26)的游戏(例如著名的《恶魔城 3 日文版》)中,目 的是增强声音效果,弥补 NES 自身 APU(2A03)芯片处理能力的不
发一下我的VRC6三合一改装合卡,附心得 - VG DIY
2021年3月26日 · 固态电容ESR低,可以承受的纹波电流大这是优点,但是本身的较高的漏电流的问题,只适合在开关电路中使用(理想工作频率在500KHZ-800KHZ)。 吕电解电容(低ESR)适合的工作频率为100KHZ-300KHZ。 线性稳压器输出端需要电容存在寄生电阻才能实现较好的瞬态响应速度,不可用低ESR或超低ESR的电容,否则输出电压会出现波动,影响高频时钟信号的芯片的稳定性。 也不知道从啥时候起,固态电容成了万能的了,啥地方都用固态,估计是当年主 …