VRChat lets you create, publish, and explore virtual worlds with people from around the world.
VRChat - Home
VRChat lets you create, publish, and explore virtual worlds with other people from around the world.
目前VRC有六个用户等级【恶劣>游客>新用户>用户>常驻>可信】,对应颜色分别为灰白蓝绿橙紫,这里只科普灰白蓝绿这四个比较重要的等级。 效果:会被其他玩家自动屏蔽,包括不限于模型、动作、开麦等,相当于变成了幽灵。 效果:无特殊效果,但是遇到安全等级x2的用户,游客级玩家相当于全身瘫痪,只有嘴能动,因为安全等级x2的状态下,游客玩家不会被渲染和状态更新,即安全等级x2的用户眼里的游客玩家永远都处于初始状态,即使游客玩家跳舞或换衣服,安全等 …
从这开始 - VRChat Wiki
创建 VRChat 账号后,你就可以访问 VRChat 应用程序、网页版 VRChat 个人资料、好友列表、浏览世界以及生成模型替身。 除此之外,你还可以访问 VRChat SDK , 反馈论坛 , 咨询论坛 , 报名参加 创作者经济 计划,及编辑 VRChat Wiki
VRChat Home - VRChat Wiki
VRChat Home 是 VRChat 的默认主世界,由 VRChat 团队创作。 你可以通过打开你的 快速菜单 并点击 回家 按钮,选择 默认 来访问 VRChat Home。 你可以在选项卡上搜索世界,并点击 设置为家 按钮来将你喜欢的世界设置为主世界。
Getting Started - VRChat
2025年1月2日 · Getting into and playing VRChat is easy! Simply put, install the application on the platform of your choice and hop in. There's an in-app tutorial that will guide you through the basics of controls, interacting with the world, and using the UI.
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Getting Started with VRChat
5 天之前 · This guide will help you get started with VRChat, allowing you to socialize, explore, play games, and create together—all from the comfort of your home! 🛠️ Installing VRChat You can play VRChat for free on various devices and platforms, even without a VR headset!
VRChat - VRChat Wiki
2025年3月8日 · VRChat is an online virtual world platform created by Graham Gaylor and Jesse Joudrey and operated by VRChat, Inc. The platform allows users to interact with others with user-created 3D avatars and worlds .
VRChat - Home
VRChat lets you create, publish, and explore virtual worlds with other people from around the world.