O pridelenie kódu VRP môžete požiadať vo svojej osobnej internetovej zóne. Prevádzku stránky www.financnasprava.sk a správu jej obsahu zabezpečuje Finančné riaditeľstvo SR. Operation of the website www.financnasprava.sk and its content administration provides The Financial Directorate of the SR.
vRP-framework/vRP: FiveM (http://fivem.net) RP addon/framework - GitHub
This is vRP 2, the second major version of vRP. It aims to have less overhead and a more straightforward and structured approach using OOP. This will probably be the last major version, vRP based resources can be updated for vRP 2 using the extension system.
Virtuálna registr... - PFS - financnasprava.sk
Virtuálna registračná pokladnica 2 (VRP 2) je nová bezplatná aplikácia na evidenciu tržieb, ktorú môžu podnikatelia využívať od 1. júla 2022. Od daného dátumu nadobúda účinnosť novela zákona o cenách [.pdf; 199 kB; nové okno], ktorej cieľom je obmedziť obeh jednocentových a dvojcentových mincí na Slovensku.
VRP基础(华为设备操作系统) - CSDN博客
2020年5月6日 · (2)什么是VRP. VRP是华为公司从低端到高端的全系列路由器、交换机等数据通信产品的通用网络操作系统,就如同微软公司的Windows操作系统之于PC,苹果公司的iOS操作系统之 于iPhone。
[Release] vRP Framework - FiveM Releases - Cfx.re Community
2017年6月1日 · (vRP 2 released: [Release] vRP Framework) So, about 1 month ago, I started vRP, a RP framework for FiveM. I clearly lost some vital energy here, especially the first weeks developing it. Now it’s looking good, it’s still a work in progress, and there are issues, but it is complete enough to build some interesting RP interactions.
[vRP 2] Latest vRP 2 Version for FiveM - Native-Servers.com - Forum
2020年11月5日 · This is vRP 2, the second major version of vRP. It aims to have less overhead and a more straightforward and structured approach using OOP. This will probably be the last major version, vRP based resources can be updated for vRP 2 using the extension system. See the developers documentation.
华为 VRP 系统简介&配置TELNET远程登录 - CSDN博客
2025年3月6日 · VRP(Versatile Routing Platform 华为数通设备操作系统)是华为公司数据通信产品的通用操作系统平台,从低端到核心的全系列路由器、以太网交换机、业务网关等产品的软件核心引擎。
dunko-vrp-2/vrp2: You need to install your own FiveM Artifacts - GitHub
You need to install your own FiveM Artifacts. Contribute to dunko-vrp-2/vrp2 development by creating an account on GitHub.
Topics tagged vrp2 - Cfx.re Community
2025年2月1日 · Fivem VRP 2.0 error.HELP! Can you change what IPL is loaded in ".lua" script?
VRP 2 - Apps on Google Play
2023年11月7日 · The application is used by entrepreneurs to record sales and easily create and print cash documents that contain statutory mandatory data. It helps the entrepreneur to manage goods and services and...