Sorenson Video Relay Service | VRS
At home, on-the-go, at school, or at work, you can get expert interpreting in English or Spanish on Deaf-centric products with Sorenson Video Relay Services (VRS). Get premium video relay service on the Lumina VP with high-quality video, better flashers, and secure calls. Deaf-centric, purpose-built design just for you.
Video Relay Services - Federal Communications Commission
VRS, like other forms of TRS, allow persons who are deaf, hard of hearing, deafblind, or have speech disabilities to communicate by telephone in a manner that is functionally equivalent to telephone services used by persons without such disabilities.
Video Relay Service (VRS) - Federal Communications Commission
Video Relay Service (VRS) allows persons with hearing or speech disabilities who use American Sign Language to use video equipment to communicate with voice telephone users. A video link allows a communication assistant (CA) and the ASL user to view and sign with each other, and the CA is also connected to a user on the voice side of the call ...
NAD - National Association of the Deaf
VRS enables a deaf or hard of hearing person to make and receive telephone calls through a communications assistant (CA) who is a qualified American Sign Language (ASL) interpreter. For many deaf and hard of hearing individuals, VRS is closer to “functionally equivalent” telephone services than any other form of relay service.
VRS, VRI, TRS, and TTY: Understanding the Differences - Connect …
2022年5月20日 · VRS can be configured so that when a deaf person receives a phone call, it's automatically routed through the service. Notably, this is entirely free of charge and available 24/7. VRI is very similar to VRS in that both services involve the use of an interpreter.
Video relay service - Wikipedia
A video relay service (VRS), also sometimes known as a video interpreting service (VIS), is a video telecommunication service that allows deaf, hard-of-hearing, and speech-impaired (D-HOH-SI) individuals to communicate over video telephones and similar technologies with hearing people in real-time, via a sign language interpreter.
VRS - ZP Better Together
Available via videophone, computer, or smartphone, ZP’s Video Relay Service (VRS) allows deaf and hard of hearing individuals to have telephone conversations with hearing people when in separate locations. Using a real-time video connection, an interpreter relays the conversation seamlessly between both parties.
Access starts here: Convo Access, Convo Now & Convo VRS
Get on-demand virtual interpreters for in-person or video meetings—covered by your workplace, Convo, or both, with 20 minutes of complimentary access. Built for Deaf users. Make phone calls easily through Video Relay Service (VRS). Also available on the web via Convo Link.
Deaf-Owned Video Relay Service | VRS App | VRS - Convo Communications
Use Convo Video Relay Service (VRS) designed by a Deaf-owned company. And use the best interpreters in the industry for any kind of VRS call.
What Is Video Relay Service (VRS), and How Does It Work?
2024年10月22日 · Video Relay Service (VRS) is revolutionizing communication for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing individuals by enabling seamless conversations with hearing people through sign language interpreters on video. As a crucial part of the FCC's Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) program, VRS not only enhances accessibility but also ensures that every ...