Reaction Time Test - Human Benchmark
Click anywhere to start. This is a simple tool to measure your reaction time. The average (median) reaction time is 273 milliseconds, according to the data collected so far. In addition to measuring your reaction time, this test is affected by the latency of your computer and monitor.
VRT (verbal reasoning test): a new test for assessment of verbal ...
The aim of the present study is to describe the construction of a new verbal reasoning test (VRT) for patients with brain injury and to provide normative values in a sample of healthy Italian participants.
new verbal reasoning test (VRT) for patients with brain injury and to provide normative values in a sample of healthy Italian participants. Three hundred and eighty healthy Italian subjects (193 women and 187 men) of dif-ferent ages (range 16–75 years) and educational level (primary school to postgraduate degree) underwent the VRT.
VRT (verbal reasoning test): a new test for assessment of verbal ...
2017年1月17日 · In this study, normative data for the age-range 18–40 years have been provided for the Verbal Judgment Test (VJT), which underpins abstract reasoning on the basis of four subtests ...
Human Benchmark
Measure your abilities with brain games and cognitive tests. Test your visual reflexes. Remember an increasingly long pattern of button presses. How quickly can you hit all the targets? Remember the longest number you can. Keep as many words in short term memory as possible. Are you smarter than a chimpanzee?
VRT Sample Tests - HR Portal
EN VRT Sample Test.pdf. FR VRT Sample Test.pdf. RU VRT Sample Test.pdf. SP VRT Sample Test.pdf. Reference Materials ...
Benton Visual Retention Test | Fifth Edition - Pearson Assessments
Benton Visual Retention Test Fifth Edition assesses visual perception, memory and visuoconstructive abilities. Get Benton VRT from Pearson.
Verbal Reasoning Test (VRT) - Prometriks
Verbal Reasoning Test investigates the competence to understand, analyze and interpret verbal information from various sources. VRT also assesses the ability to detect logical connections between individual statements as well as to distinguish facts from hypotheses.
Test di valutazione del ragionamento verbale dopo ... - SStefano
2017年1月19日 · Il VRT nasce dall’esigenza di disporre di un test di valutazione delle capacità di ragionamento verbale per pazienti adulti con cerebrolesione acquisita, aggiornato e tarato su un campione rappresentativo della popolazione italiana, giovane e anziana.
職業レディネス・テスト(Vocational Readiness Test: VRT)|労 …