Vympel - Wikipedia
Vympel, abbreviation of the Directorate в (Russian Cyrillic for V) of the TsSN FSB of the Russian Federation, is still a classified and secretive unit. It took part in Russia's Chechen campaigns and in storming of the Supreme Soviet building during the 1993 Russian constitutional crisis.
FSB Vympel: Russia’s Secretive Unit - Grey Dynamics
FSB Vympel is a highly secretive special operations unit in use by the Russian Federation. While most of its current activities remain highly classified and undisclosed, the unit plays a central and pivotal role in operations of utmost importance.
Vympel | Military Wiki | Fandom
Vympel (i.e. the Directorate "V" of the TsSN FSB) is still a classified and secretive unit. It took part in Russia's Chechen campaigns and in storming of the Supreme Soviet building during the 1993 Russian constitutional crisis.
Spetsnaz FSB“Vympel”:没有错误的余地
2013年4月10日 · 此外,Vympel战斗机在列宁格勒核电站(Chita TPP)工作,帮助大量管理人员加强对特别重要的核设施的保密制度。 在自成立以来的整个时间里,细分仍然存在于苏联的储备中,这是不可能抵抗的。
Vympel - 华文百科
Vympel是FSB单元 Spetsgruppa“ A”(Alpha Group) 的姐妹单位。 由于KGB学院的大多数培训都集中在便衣运营工作上,重点是间谍活动和反扩张,1955年,该服务的 第一个首席局 建立了 军官 人员的发展课程(讯 官员(讯) - 一名培训干部,目的是在不规则的战争中培训一般职责官员,并在海外进行秘密行动,或者是在外国入侵的情况下为党派单位形成的秘密行动。 1966年,这些课程被带出了第一局首席局的结构,并与 苏联边境部队 (克格勃自身的军事力量)的训练中心 …
Vympel 集团庆祝成立 40 周年 - Военное обозрение
2021年8月19日 · 人员特种部队“Vympel”是在特种部队“Zenith”和“Cascade”的士兵基础上组建的,它们被积极用于在阿富汗领土上进行特种作战。 25 年 1981 月 19 日,苏共中央委员会和苏联部长会议关于组建 Vympel 支部的非公开决议公布。 不到一个月后,即 1981 年 XNUMX 月 XNUMX 日,签署了一份关于成立苏联克格勃 Vympel 特种部队的相应命令。 这是关于一个特别重要的特殊单位。 由于只有苏联克格勃主席只能以书面形式下令在 Vympel 战士的参与下进行行动,这一 …
Russian Spetsnaz – GRU – KGB – FSB – MVD – Alpha – Vympel – …
The Spetsnaz unit Vympel, is a counter terrorist unit of the SVR (Foreign Intelligence Service). Originally developed in 1981 as an infiltration unit, as with other Spetsnaz units, Vympel evolved into a Counter Terrorist (CT) unit.
"V" For “Vympel”: FSB’s Secretive Department “V ... - bellingcat
2020年2月17日 · In post-Soviet Russia, Vympel was rebranded as special-ops “Department V” within the FSB, with a mandate to counter domestic terrorism. Its units were deployed in the two Chechen wars as well during key hostage situations in the North Caucasus, such as the Beslan school and Budyonovsk hospital operations.
Vympel / Group “V” / Independent Training Center
Founded in 1981 under the KGB’s First Main Directorate, Vympel was intended for direct action against NATO and other targets outside of the USSR. It operated in Afghanistan, and reportedly was...
Spetsnaz FSB "Vympel": no margin for error
2013年4月10日 · Today, officers of the “A” (“Alpha”) and “B” (“Vympel”) directorates resist terrorism, having turned into a powerful weapon in the war on terror in recent years ...