Themes · ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh Wiki - GitHub
Includes 300+ optional plugins (rails, git, macOS, hub, docker, homebrew, node, php, python, etc), 140+ themes to spice up your morning, and an auto-update tool that makes it easy to …
oh my zsh 哪些主题比较好看、有特点? - 知乎
我以为一个主题,最重要的是好看,其次是提供必要的信息,比如 git 信息(分支,当前 status 等),当前工作目录,是否是连接到远程的,等等。 bira. 最简单顺眼的. 我不喜欢跟在路径后面 …
Recommended Plugins · PSP-Archive/ARK-4 Wiki - GitHub
With this plugin you can install custom XMB themes made by the community. It can only be installed on the XMB, it doesn't work on Custom Launcher (which uses its own separate …
[Release] PS2 Theme for PSP and PS5 Theme update (New sounds ... - Reddit
2021年9月28日 · PS2 Theme for PSP: Brand new, with themed icons, wallpaper. Boot and XMB UI sounds are from the PS2. PS5 Theme for PSP (Update 2.0): Added PS5 Boot and XMB …
PSP - How To Setup CXMB - Custom Themes - pspunk
Custom themes are a great way to personalize your PSP using the CXMB plugin. The only requirement is having custom firmware (ARK4 would be preferred, you can install it here). …
CXMB universal PSP - GameBrew
2024年5月8日 · CXMB universal is a plugin that allows users to use custom CTF themes, without the risk of flashing. It is a modified/updated version of CXMB, orginally made by Poison. Copy …
Oh My Zsh - a delightful & open source framework for Zsh
Unleash your terminal like never before. Oh My Zsh is a delightful, open source, community-driven framework for managing your Zsh configuration. It comes bundled with thousands of …
CTF/Custom Themes Installation Guide - GBAtemp.net
2025年3月13日 · Step five: Go to "plugins" and select "cxmb.prx [VSH]" Step six: Get the theme that you want, and place it inside PSP -> THEME. Step seven: Install it by going to "Theme …
VSH - PSP Developer wiki - psdevwiki.com
2021年3月19日 · PSP users with the 3.70 Official Firmware or newer have the ability to download themes for the PlayStation Portable and apply theme to the PlayStation Portable without …
Installing Themes - PSP Developer wiki - psdevwiki.com
2017年6月24日 · The XMB on the PSP is known internally as the "VSH" and since the advent of homebrew is highly customizable. The firmware files vshmain.prx and paf.prx contain the main …