Shear‐wave velocity (VSV and VSH) models for different grid cells ...
Download scientific diagram | Shear‐wave velocity (VSV and VSH) models for different grid cells representing the major sub‐regions of northwestern DVP. The averaged VSV and VSH models for...
Geophysical constraints on the nature of lithosphere in central and ...
2021年4月5日 · The radial seismic anisotropy was computed by percentage difference between Vsh and Vsv: γ = (Vsh − Vsv)/Vs. One-dimensional recovery test assigning a small value of 3% radial anisotropy and high velocity in the upper mantle demonstrates that the observed shear-wave velocity and radial anisotropy are robust (Fig. S3).
High Vp/Vs ratio: Saturated cracks or anisotropy effects?
2012年6月8日 · The numerical results show that experimental data agree well with the first model: at high frequency, Vp/Vs ratios range from 1.6 to 1.8 in the dry case and from 1.6 to 2.2 in the saturated case. The second model predicts both Vp/Sv and Vp/Sh to vary from 1.2 to 3.5, depending on the raypath angle relative to the crack fabric.
Lithospheric shear wave velocity and radial anisotropy beneath …
2015年6月19日 · Maps of radial anisotropy in the crust and upper mantle. Positive radial anisotropy is for Vsh > Vsv, and negative anisotropy is for Vsh < Vsv.
Significant radial anisotropy with Vsh>Vsv is present under most cratons in the depth range 250-400 km, similar to that reported earlier 9,10 at shallower depths (80-250km) under ocean basins.
An anisotropic shear velocity model of the Earth's mantle using …
The transition zone exhibits localized anisotropic anomalies of ∼3 per cent vSH > vSV beneath North America and the Northwest Pacific and ∼2 per cent vSV > vSH beneath South America.
Anisotropy in the deep Earth - ScienceDirect
2017年8月1日 · In most models, there is an indication of an increase in anisotropy in D″, with Vsh> Vsv (ξ slightly larger than 1), although there is variability among models, due to a combination of parametrization, types of seismic waves considered, and theoretical assumptions.
<br>伊朗西北地下的地壳和上地幔结构:表面波 ... - X-MOL
2024年8月28日 · 径向各向异性和 VSiso 分别通过获得的 VSH 和 VSV 的差异和平均来确定。 重力建模与表面波分析一起用于了解该地区的复杂地质,揭示对上-中-下地壳边界、地下结构和 Moho 深度的见解。
Azimuthal Anisotropy in Layer Media from SV and SH ... - Earthdoc
In this study we analyze which are the information that we can get from the measure of the VSv/VSh ratio, obtained from the separate VSv and VSh tomographic images, in case of weak anisotropy. To this purpose, we used the ray-based tomography, which exploits the ray-tracing method to obtain the velocity field, and through which we can know the ...
Anisotropy estimate from vertical (V SV ) and horizontal (V SH ...
2022年12月1日 · For this purpose, we used the travel time tomography to obtain the two velocity fields (V SV and V SH) and to exploit the computed ray paths from which we can know the directions of each ray...