VSL Middle East | Specialist contractor in UAE - VSL International
As a specialist in post-tensioned and cable-stayed structures, VSL Middle East contributes to the design and construction of major engineered structures and maintains, repairs and upgrades all structural systems that guarantee safety and durability.
VSL Middle East LLC - AEC Online
VSL Middle East LLC company profile in AEC Online, your source of building material and supplier information in the Middle East.
威胜利工程有限公司是瑞士VSL国际有限公司(简称VSL)与中国合肥四方工程机电有限责任公司(简称合肥四方)合资成立的一家的中外合资企业。 该公司经中国工商总局批准,于一九九七年八月二十八日正式注册,一九九八年元月一日开始运作...
维也纳 VSL 史诗大更新,新 Logo 新网站,产品线重组,每位用户 …
2024年11月7日 · 现在,VSL 的音色库产品线就变得非常简洁明朗了,主要的 Synchron 系列和 Studio 系列! Studio 系列不仅仅只是简单的承接了 Synchron-ized 的名字, 其 Studio 家族还迎来了录制于 Stage B 的五款钢琴产品,
威胜利工程有限公司 - vslchina.com.cn
威胜利工程有限公司(简称VSL中国)是合肥四方工程机电有限责任公司与VSL国际有限公司(简称VSL)在中国大陆合资成立的中外合资企业。 公司经中国工商总局批准于1997年8月28日注册成立。 VSL是世界五百强企业布伊格集团的全资子公司,VSL的后张预应力技术和产品自1956年起开始在世界各地广泛应用于各种混凝土结构上,并致力于工程结构的设计和施工,同时提供维护、维修和升级服务来保证结构系统的安全性和耐久性。 今天,VSL已被公认为后张预应力体系和相 …
VSL Middle East - LinkedIn
VSL Middle East | 8,195 followers on LinkedIn. Structural systems and preservation specialist contractor. | VSL is a specialist in post-tensioned and cable-stayed structures, foundations and...
VSL Middle East : Building the Middle East - EME Outlook Magazine
2023年1月30日 · VSL is a key entity in realising and facilitating infrastructure throughout the Middle East. On top of working on iconic projects such as the Dubai Metro, VSL has also worked on the Riyadh Metro (Line 3) in Saudi Arabia, utilising industry-leading techniques and technologies to fulfil the needs of clients and cities.
VSL Saudi Arabia | Construction and repair specialist - VSL …
As a specialist of structural systems and ground engineering, we provide bespoke solutions combining design and methods, in-house systems and project execution for the construction of transport infrastructure worldwide.
VSL International | Construction specialist since 1956
VSL is a specialist in the construction and repairs of post-tensioned & cable-stayed structures, foundations & ground engineering. We make any project possible!
请注意:我们同步为维也纳 VSL 老用户购买某些产品提供交叉优 …
2024年12月19日 · 您可以先登录你的 VSL 官网的账户:https://auth.vsl.co.at/Account/Login 然后再打开您需要购买的产品的页面,如果你的账户拥有购买此产品的交叉优惠, 那么此时该页面产品的报价将直接显示属于您的交叉优惠价格。