Pages - Find out about student numbers - Victorian Curriculum …
The VSN is a randomly generated nine digit number assigned to all Victorian students as a unique identifier. Most students receive their VSN at Foundation level. However, you can be allocated a VSN at any time up until you reach 25 years of age, for example if you have moved to Victoria from interstate or overseas.
Pages - The Victorian Student Number - Victorian Curriculum and ...
The Victorian Student Number (VSN) is a randomly generated nine digit number assigned to all Victorian students as a unique identifier. Every student under 25 years of age is given a VSN when they first enrol at a Victorian education or training provider or are registered by the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA) for ...
What is a Victorian Student Number (VSN)? - Victoria University, …
2011年1月28日 · The Victorian Student Number (VSN) is a nine-digit student identification number that will be assigned by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development to all students in government and non-government schools, and students up to the age of 25 in Vocational Education and Training (VET) institutions.
Enrolment - Department of Education and Training beta website
A Victorian Student Number (VSN) is allocated to students who are new to the Victorian government school system, in the name certified in enrolment documents. When students transfer between schools, the name will remain the same as that attached to the VSN unless new legal documentation with an amended name is provided.
The Victorian Student Number (VSN) is a student identification number that is assigned by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development to all students in government and non-government schools, and students undertaking Vocational Education and Training.
What is the Victorian Student Number (VSN) - 道客巴巴
2012年8月18日 · VSN号码是教育及幼儿发展部 (Department of Education and Early Childhood Development) 为公立和非公立学校的所有在校学生和25岁以下的职业教育及培训机构学生设定的学生身份证号。
Victorian Student Number (VSN) - BNPS
The VSN is nine digits long, randomly assigned, and tied to stable information about the student (name, gender, date of birth). The VSN provides the capability to accurately detect patterns of student movement through, and departure from, the Victorian education and training system.
What is the Victorian Student Number (VSN)? The VSN is a student identification number that will be assigned by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development to all students in government and non-government schools, and students in …
What is the Victorian Student Number (VSN)? The VSN is a student identification number that will be assigned by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development to all students in government and non-government schools, and students up to the age of 25 in Vocational Education and Training Organisations. The
Victorian Student Number - eBECAS
The VSN number can be entered if it is known and confirmed. The status options for the VSN are: N/A, Request New VSN, Unknown VSN, Confirm VSN and Verified. Initially, all students in eBECAS are set with a VSN status of N/A.