GitHub - daveblackuk/VSR: Vatsim Radio (VSR) - MSFS 2020 …
2025年1月12日 · VSR is a toolbar app that helps the virtual pilot flying on VATSIM and Beyond. Real time info is provided in the cockpit for controllers and airports. You can receive and send VATSIM messages, and request a pre-departure clearance via ACARS/CPDLC or …
VSR is a toolbar app for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 that allows you to check which air traffic controllers are online when flying on the VATSIM Network. You can easily change to a frequency with a single click, or place a frequency on standby ready to change when requested to by ATC.
VSR Toolbar app for VATSIM - Read the Docs
VSR is a toolbar app for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 that allows you to check which air traffic controllers are online when flying on the VATSIM Network. You can easily change to a frequency with a single click, or place a frequency on standby ready to change when requested to by ATC.
视频去水印工具 (VSR)详细安装教程 - CSDN博客
2024年6月18日 · Video Subtitle Remover (VSR) 是一款基于AI技术,将视频中的硬字幕去除的软件。 通过超强 AI 算 法模型,对去除字幕文本的区域进行填充(非相邻像素填充与马赛克去除)3、启动程序可能需要一点时间来 安装 必要的环境, 安装 完成后,即可正常使用。
YaoFANGUK/video-subtitle-remover - GitHub
Video-subtitle-remover (VSR) 是一款基于AI技术,将视频中的硬字幕去除的软件。 主要实现了以下功能: 1. 下载安装Miniconda. 2. 创建并激活虚机环境. 3. 安装依赖文件. 1. 输入accept. 2. 选中CUDA Toolkit 11.7(如果你没有安装nvidia驱动则选中Driver,如果你已经安装了nvidia驱动请不要选中driver),之后选中install,回车. 3. 添加环境变量. 4. 运行程序. MODE = InpaintMode. STTN # 设置为STTN算法 STTN_SKIP_DETECTION = True # 跳过字幕检测,跳过后可能会导致要去 …
MSFS 2020 toolbar app for VATSIM - Tools & Utilities - Microsoft …
2022年8月23日 · Here’s a great toolbar app developed by daveblackuk to display active VATSIM frequencies and change the COM1 or COM2 with just a click. Download: daveblackuk/VSR: Vatsim Radio (VSR) - MSFS 2020 toolbar app for VATSIM (github.com) Video on Usage:
VSR June 2024 Release - Pilot Software - VATSIM Forum
2024年6月17日 · Airport views with online stations, CTAF frequencies and traffic. Airport weather (no key required). Change to a frequency with a single click, or place a frequency on standby ready to change when requested to by ATC. Send & receive messages to and from the VATSIM network using vPilot.
python 视频硬字幕去除 内嵌字幕去除工具 vsr - CSDN博客
2023年12月28日 · Video-subtitle-remover (VSR) 是一款基于AI技术,将视频中的硬字幕去除的软件。 无损分辨率将视频中的硬字幕去除,生成去除字幕后的文件通过超强AI算法模型,对去除字幕文本的区域进行填充(非相邻像素填充与马赛克去除)支持自定义字幕位置,仅去除定义位置中的字幕(传入位置)支持全视频自动去除所有文本(不传入位置)直接下载压缩包解压运行,如果不能运行再按照下面的教程,尝试源码安装conda环境运行Windows GPU版本v1.0.0(GPU): …
2025年1月14日 · 视频字幕去除工具(Video-subtitle-remover,简称VSR)是一款基于AI技术的视频处理软件,专门用于去除视频中的硬字幕和文本水印。 该工具采用了多种AI算法模型(STTN、LAMA、PROPAINTER),能够智能识别并无损去除视频中的字幕文本,同时通过深度学习技术对 …
Rhino 7 with VSR Shape Modeling - McNeel Forum
2020年5月27日 · How about some tools to run V5 virtually inside V7 with Rhino.Inside and we can then run V5 commands (VSR!) in a V7 session, calling out V5 commands. Sort of like this: go home, you’re drunk! What happened with VSR/Autodesk Shape Modeling? Does anyone have the latest VSR shape modeling menu? Why not "Shape Modeling" in native Rhino?