VSS Vintorez sniper deactivated - rusmilitary.com
Integrated suppressor hides muzzle flash and reduces muzzle report down to 130 dB. VSS is extremely effective as a CQB rifle at close range in urban combat. Its heavy subsonic bullet is designed to penetrate a standard steel helmet at upto 400m distance and set off a panic among enemy troops during "quiet" covert operations.
先有vss还是先有val?【枪炮世界吧】_百度 ... - 百度贴吧
VSS跟VAL的主要区别有一下几点 1、vss用的是高精度固定式枪托,而val用的是普通的折叠枪托 2、没了
[Discussion] What's the CQB Equivalent to the SPEAR?
2024年12月17日 · The key to cqb is RPM combined with bullet stats. Val, VSS, SR3M need SP-6 or PAB-9 to function well. MCX has it’s 2nd best ammo available from lvl 4 traders.
2012年2月2日 · According to end user reports, both the SR-3M and 9-A91 weapons are excellent CQB tools. Both have the traditional high reliability of Russian military small arms and provide significant stopping power and hard barrier penetration at ranges of up to 100-150 meters (the SP-6 AP bullet can go through 6mm of mild steel at 100 meters range).
2024年9月21日 · 第一推荐是侦查,虽然护甲是4级,但是够用了,而且有vss,很强,有穿6穿5的子弹,m4也有855a1,比cqb跟突击的m4强很多,想玩m4你应该玩侦查,不然子弹等级不够容易你打别人十几枪别人两枪秒你 我就是这个大冤种,高延迟加穿3的子弹,要多拉有多拉
VSS相比传统狙击步枪有什么优势?能把一体式枪托直接拆下来是 …
没有威慑力,酷似“滋水枪”? 小看这支vss微声狙击步枪你就错了
vss/as val 双狙往事 - 哔哩哔哩
VSS with canted sight is the best feature in 15.2. It's now awesome CQB …
2022年1月22日 · VSS with canted sight is the best feature in 15.2. It's now awesome CQB AR. The vss with an emt kit is so much fun! Really!? I always felt under powered, but I will give that combo a try. Yeah the built in silencer on the VSS is nice but anytime I'm shooting someone more than 50m away I feel like I have to hit them 20 times.
VSS :: DayZ General Discussions - Steam Community
2019年8月25日 · True but soviets made a vss for longer range and as val for a cqb. Theyre both made almost the same but still share differences. For example vss is more accurate and bullets travel longer distances while as val cant do these.
只要对方不是横向剧烈运动,vss要命中50多米外的敌人并不难,如果对方停下来对枪,vss更是可以命中其头部,也只要两枪头就能带走。 但对面乱跑的话,VSS就很不好打。
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