AS Val and VSS Vintorez - Wikipedia
Both the AS Val and VSS Vintorez were issued to Soviet troops since the late 1980s. They were used during the First Chechen War in 1994 and the Second Chechen War in 1999, though they remained relatively osbcure amongst Western intelligence agencies and similar organizations until the Russians deployed troops to South Ossetia during the Russo ...
VSS Vintorez微声狙击步枪 ——〖枪炮世界〗
VSS是Vinovka Snaiperskaja Spetsialnaya的缩写,即“特种狙击步枪。 VSS也可以发射SP-5普通弹,但主要是发射SP-6穿甲弹。 和AS一样,这种步枪也是为特种部队研制的,已经装备了俄罗斯的特种部队及执法机构的行动单位,也已经在独联体各地的武装冲突中广泛应用。
VSS-M | FirearmCentral Wiki | Fandom
The VSS-M (GRAU Index: 6P29M) is a Russian suppressed marksman rifle developed from the VSS in the 2010s. The VSS-M comes equipped with the 1P86 Holographic Sight mounted on a NAR-compatible dust cover. The VSS-M primarily differs from the VSS in the fact it uses the STANAG 4694 NATO Accessory...
The VSS-M is Special Sniper Rifle using subsonic 9*39mm heavy SP5 bullets or SP6 armor-piercing cartridge. In accordance with the creation of the program Ratnik, that rifle is a more modern version than the traditional VSS, in use with …
如何评价俄罗斯AS VAL突击步枪和衍生的VSS狙击步枪? - 知乎
9毫米的直径让SP-5(VSS的狙击弹)的弹头重量达到了惊人的16.8g,是一发北约制式步枪子弹(这里指M193 5.56x45毫米子弹,也是如今国外市面上最常见的5.56毫米子弹)的4.8倍。 按照苏联人的想法,巨大的重量让子弹在远距离依旧保持足够的动能以击穿防弹衣。 按照子弹的分类来说,这是一款标准的低阻船尾弹头。 弹头采用了夸张的流线型造型以保证阻力最小化,确保弹头远距离依旧保有有较大的动能,以达到最大400米的有效射程。 但是,新的弹头需要一款可以塞下 …
VSSM sniper rifle – modernized legend - YouTube
2023年6月27日 · VSSM 9 mm modernized noiseless special sniper rifle is intended for defeating armoured enemy by accurate shots in noiseless conditions and flameless firing. VSSM is capable to terminate the...
Ukrainian Soldier Captures Rare Russian VSS-M Rifle
A Ukrainian paratrooper recently acquired a VSS-M Vintorez sniper rifle, previously in Russian hands. This modernized version of the Vintorez is equipped with a thermal sight and is known for its precision and unique capabilities. Designed for stealth operations, it uses ammunition tailored for covert missions and defeating body armor.
SVD光学瞄准镜整理 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
SVDM于2015年10月在 Innovation Day of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation上公开,2016开始提供给部队。 改进有可调托腮板,护木浮置重枪管,皮轨,新型12-кратным прицелом,枪管长度缩减为560毫米. 最为人熟知的型号不做过多介绍,1963年为SVD设计,最新型号为PSO-1M2。 我国在仿制79/85式时也仿制了该镜。 目前仍然广泛的使用。 较少为人知的型号, NPZ 大约在1983/84年设计早期型号PSP-1(GRAU代码1P21),并在阿富汗战争中广 …
VSS-M "Vintorez" - Stalcraft Wiki
This 9 mm special sniper rifle (a VSS that was developed under the title Vintorez, a name that has remained in use) is a silenced sniper rifle. It was created in the Tochmash Central Scientific Research Institute for Precision Machine Engineering in Klimovsk at the start of the 1980s under the leadership of Pyotr Ivanovich Serdyukov.
NPOAEG VSS-M Full Steel AEG | RedWolf - RedWolf Airsoft
The VSS-M is a trial model that was aimed at modernizing the VSS platform with an added monolithic rail top cover, accessories rail in the front and a hollowed adjustable buttstock with adjustable cheek riser and buttpad. NPOAEG is a Russian-based company that has been making the closest replicas to the real ones since Sept 2011 for half a decade.
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