Book/resource lists - Virtual School Victoria
VSV book/resource lists for Years 7 – 12 outline the textbooks and other resources recommended or required for each year level. These can be purchased from our recommended textbook supplier, Campion Education. Textbooks can be ordered online at Campion Education.
Alongside the materials developed by VSV, certain subjects require textbooks and additional resources. Some of our subjects require either digital or physical textbooks and/or other resources to be purchased. Some subjects have required texts, while other texts are recommended only.
Free library of ebooks and audiobooks - Virtual School Victoria
2024年12月9日 · Perfect for holiday reading, VSV’s fabulous and free library of ebooks and audiobooks – ePlatform – has a great range of titles; and there are VSV Reading Lists to inspire your reading. There are books galore, including many old favourites and exciting new titles – the collections are updated and additions made almost every month.
Study Materials | VSV - TU Delft
Study Books. In order to study your courses the lecturers require or recommend you to have certain literature. The Society of Aerospace Engineering Students – VSV ‘Leonardo da Vinci’ – is in close contact with the lecturers about what literature you need, and offers these books at …
2020年11月2日 · 本研究以实验室成功构建的嵌合型 VSV 反向遗传操作系统为基础,将 VSV 的嚢膜糖蛋白 (Glycoprotein, GP )替换为SARS-CoV S 蛋白,成功拯救出重组病毒并分别命名为VSVΔG-SARS 和VSVΔG-eGFP-SARS。 Western blot 和激光共聚焦实验证明重组病毒可以正确表达SARS-CoV S 蛋白,间接免疫荧光实验(Indirect immunofluorescence assay, IFA )结果显示重组病毒依赖宿主细 胞的细胞受体血管紧张素转换酶2 (Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2, …
Vliegtuigbouwkundige studievereniging 'Leonardo da Vinci' | VSV
The VSV Bookshop can be found here! By becoming a member of the VSV 'Leonardo da Vinci' you can get a discount on all the books required for your studies!
Hesperides, sive, De malorvm avreorvm cvltvra et vsv libri quatuor
Hesperides, sive, De malorvm avreorvm cvltvra et vsv libri quatuor. By. Ferrari, Giovanni Battista, 1584-1655 Bloemaert, Cornelis, 1603?-1692 Scheus, Hermann, Mascardi, Vitalis. Type. Book Material. Published material. Publication info. Romae, sumptibus Hermanni Scheus, 1646 Notes
These textbooks and other resources can be purchased from VSV’s recommended textbook supplier, Campion Education. The Campion VSV school code is G2YY. Campion delivers throughout Victoria and has provision for interstate and overseas delivery. It is important that textbooks are ordered as soon as possible upon enrolment.
水疱型口炎病毒(VSV)是什么?怎么应用? - 知乎
vsv能感染多种动物模型,包括啮齿动物,鱼类、禽类,及非人灵长类等。 其特点是复制及跨突触速度快,外源基因表达量超高,可获得神经元精细形态 展开阅读全文
水疱性口炎病毒(VSV)包装原理及应用 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
VSV是Vesicular stomatitis virus的缩写,中文名称为“ 水疱性口炎病毒 ”,属于水泡性病毒属, 弹状病毒科 (Rhabdoviridae),其外形如同其名字呈现出子弹 型。 水泡性口炎病毒负染照片. 弹状病毒的宿主范围很广,包括哺乳动物、鱼类、植物和昆虫等;很多弹状病毒是动植物的病原。 弹状病毒属于弹状病毒科,下辖多种病毒属: 弹状病毒举例. VSV能感染牛、马、羊和猪等多种动物并致病,表现为足部和口部病变,其症状和手足口病相似。 这种疾病可能降低奶制品和肉制品 …