Pioneer VSX-523 5.1-Channel A/V Receiver (Black) - amazon.com
The Pioneer VSX-523 5.1 channel AV receiver features Made for iPhone compatibilty, HDMI with 3D and 4K Ultra HD pass through. Pioneer sound enhancements include Phase Control, Advanced Sound Retriever, and Auto Level Control.
Pioneer VSX-523-K – AV Receiver Reviews
The Pioneer VSX-523-K is one of the four AV receivers and it succeeds last year’s Pioneer VSX-522-K as the new entry-level model. Although it is priced at $279 rather than $249, the VSX-523-K has a couple of key improvements that are enough …
Pioneer VSX-523 Review of Features - HQSound101.com
2022年6月12日 · The Pioneer VSX-523 is a popular option for cheap audio-video receivers on the used market with prices often coming in at less than $100. The model has been out of production for some time now and was replaced by the VSX-534 in 2019, but there are still quite a few available in used condition even though it was introduced almost 10 years ago.
PIONEER 全新系列 AV 擴音機 VSX-823-K / VSX-523-K
先鋒電子 (香港) 有限公司宣佈 2013 年 5 月正式推出兩款 5 聲道 av 擴音機,包括 vsx-823-k 及 vsx-523-k。 Pioneer 兩款最新型號的 AV 擴音機均擁有極佳的音質,配合多項頂尖技術及優質零件,將 AV 擴音機功能及音色調校方面發揮得淋漓盡致。
Pioneer 5.1聲道AV環繞擴大機 VSX-523-K NT$14900
Pioneer 智慧型ECO 節能模式配備兩個不同的設定: ECO節能模式1 採用適當的省電運作同時提供高品質的聲音,最適合播放CD 音樂、兩聲道音樂檔案以及網路電台。 高節能ECO 節能模式2 採用適當的聲音品質播放,適合播放大動態範圍的電影內容 (多聲道/兩聲道) 或現場演奏會等。 ECO 節能模式可透過三個方式進入設定: 前面板、遙控器或在ControlApp內的ECO 節能管理程式。 端子介紹.
Pioneer VSX-523-K 5.1-Channel Receiver - Newegg.com
With 140 Watts (1 kHz 1 % THD @ 6 Ohms 1ch Driven) or 80 Watts (20Hz-20kHz .08% THD @ 8 Ohms) clear audio reproduction and advanced new technologies such as 4K Ultra-High Definition Pass Through and an energy-saving ECO Mode, the new VSX-523 is the perfect entry-level receiver to introduce Pioneer's heritage of quality sound reproduction and ...
- 评论数: 4
Pioneer 先锋 VSX-523-K 4K高清传输技术入门级AV接收机 黑色-什 …
标签:vsx-523-k 爆料是一件简单又好玩的事,动动手指就能把你认可的好价商品分享给千万值友,还能获得大量金币奖励,兑换礼品卡和值得买定制礼品!
先锋VSX-523-K - 百度百科
Pioneer VSX-523 5.1 Channel 400 Watt Receiver - eBay
Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Pioneer VSX-523 5.1 Channel 400 Watt Receiver at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!
【先锋VSX-523-K】报价_参数_图片_论坛_Pioneer VSX-523-K先锋 …