T-54/T-55 operators and variants - Wikipedia
VT-55A (vyprošťovací tank - recovery tank) - Czechoslovak ARV built on T-55A hull and fitted with a crane with 15 tonnes capacity, a main winch with 44 tonnes capacity and a secondary winch with 800 kg capacity. It was first called MT-55 but this designation was given to the bridge laying tank and therefore the designation had to be changed.
VOLTRIC 55 威力55 VT55 VT-55 VOLTRIC55 羽毛球拍 尤尼克 …
onex Voltric 55羽毛球拍框架由HM石墨和钨制成,本质上特别坚硬。此球拍的重量为3U(85至89.9克),握把尺寸为G4。该球拍有白色,带HM石墨杆。该球拍旨在提供更多的排斥力和快速的球拍处理能力。Voltric 55羽毛球拍适合激进的羽毛球运动员。
VT-55 - Weaponsystems.net
The VT-55 is an armored recovery vehicle designed in Czechoslovakia. The VT-55 is based on the chassis of the T-55 main battle tank. Unlike the earlier Soviet BTS models all VT-55 were produced on a new chassis. The VT-55 features a small 1.5 t …
T-54/T-55 - Wikipedia
The T-54 and T-55 tanks are a series of Soviet medium tanks [3] introduced in the years following the Second World War. The first T-54 prototype was completed at Nizhny Tagil by the end of 1945. [4] From the late 1950s, the T-54 eventually became the main tank for armoured units of the Soviet Army, armies of the Warsaw Pact countries, and many ...
VT-55 - Wikipedia
VT-55 or variant, may refer to: VT55, a computer terminal from Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) VT 55 railcar; a Deutsche Bundesbahn railcar; VT-55, a variant of the MT-55 combat support vehicle
VT-55A - Tatra Defence Industrial
The VT-55 recovery tank is an armoured tracked vehicle designed to recover and tow immobile tanks and other vehicles in different terrain conditions. The VT-55 is designed on a T-55 chassischassis. The winch towing power is 735 kN (75Mp). It is utilized to lift loads of up to 1600/2000 kg (depends on the crane type).
CZK - VT-55A (vyprošťovací tank) : Československo / ČR / SR …
VT-55A je určený na vyslobodzovanie poškodenej tankovej techniky v bojovej činnosti, resp. uviaznutej tankovej techniky v rôznych prekážkach a na jej odvlečenie na bezpečné miesto, na dvíhanie bremien s dopravu náhradných dielcov a materiálu na nákladovej plošine. VT-55A má streleckú a protidadiačnú odolnosť na úrovni tanku T-55A.
VT外贸坦克、(CS/)SH外贸火炮外观识别汇总 - 知乎
普遍说法是vt-3是我方对出口的59(t54/55)改进型坦克的统称。 常见的有出口非洲的59G,南亚国家自己改进的“艾扎拉”以及出口南亚的59D,所称的坦克有北方的,也有保利的,但是用一种型号代称改造幅度差异如此巨大的一系列坦克不符合惯例。
Vyprošťovací tank VT-55A | Armáda ČR - army.cz
Vyprošťovací tank VT-55A je speciální obrněné pásové vozidlo postavené na podvozku tanku T-55A. Je určen zejména k vlečení havarované nebo poškozené techniky v různých terénních podmínkách, k vyprošťování techniky při různých stupních uváznutí o …
T-55 - Weaponsystems.net
The VT-55 is an armored recovery vehicle based on the T-55 chassis that was designed in Czechoslovakia. Unlike the earlier Soviet BTS models all were produced from new chassis. The VT-55 features a 1.5 t crane and loading platform.