VT9PRO - 双模轻量化无线电竞游戏鼠标-中大手型 - 雷柏科技
欧姆龙5000万次轻脆手感微动,电竞级100万次刻度手感滚轮; 内置800毫安时锂电,1KHz回报率下满电量连续使用续航约160小时; 有线无线双模式,1+9个自定义按键可编程,板载存储与云存储自定义驱动设置;
VT9PRO - Rapoo
Experience an ultra-fast, smooth wireless connection with a polling rate of up to 8000 Hz, in both wireless* and wired mode. * Wireless 8.000 Hz polling rate is enabled after its activation via the software driver. Ultra-light design, only 68 g, for maximum precision and good grip, support your game performance for hours of play.
雷柏VT9PRO到货了,说一下感受 (优缺点)【鼠标吧】_百度贴吧
现在这两个问题都能克服,现在有一个问题,不能客服就是蓝牙模式。 根据我查到的资料, Vt 9 Pro它的蓝牙模式开启是同时按上下侧键加滚轮中键。 然后会闪蓝灯,可以连蓝牙。 我试了两台电脑,三台手机。 只有当时我第一次切换到蓝牙模式的时候,电脑显示了能搜索到。 然后点击连接,连接不上。 然后再重新切一遍,就再也搜索不到了。 现在我不知道这个情况是否正常,我个人是怀疑这个蓝牙芯片烧毁了。 如果有懂的大佬可以在评论区解答一下. 中大手,过了19就不好 …
VT9PRO 4K - Rapoo
Wired/Wireless Lightweight Optical Gaming Mouse • 68±2g lightweight design • Symmetrical and transparent design • 4K Wireless gaming+8K Wired gaming technology (OTA 8K wireless polling rate) • Tiny nano 4K receiver • V+ Wireless gaming technology (0.25ms response time, 10m+ transmission range, and 3 anti-interference modes, Realtek ...
VT9PRO 双高速版 - 双模轻量化无线电竞游戏鼠标-中大手型 - 雷柏 …
1+9个自定义按键 支持驱动编辑宏定义、多媒体、组合键等多种功能
Rapoo VT9Pro Wireless Gaming Mouse - amazon.com
Rapoo VT9Pro gaming mouse uses advanced Pixart PAW 3398 sensor, with 650 IPS, adjustable 50-26000 DPI, 50G acceleration. The mouse has 11 levels pre-configurable lift-off distance to adapt different mouse pads and deliver greater accuracy.
200价位不接受任何质疑的无线鼠标。雷柏VT9 PRO初测评
2023年9月8日 · 加上原相高级定制版3395的电竞游戏光学引擎,在更新驱动软件版本和鼠标、接收器固件后,就可以在驱动上调节11档静默高度LOD啦(1.0/1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4/1.5/1.6/1.7/1.8/1.9/2.0),打游戏时操作更准确,而且引擎的650IPS追踪速度,50G加速度,鼠标移动精准不丢帧。
RAPOO雷柏VT9PRO双模无线游戏鼠标拆解,分离式按键预压校 …
近期,雷柏再次推出了 VT9PRO双模无线游戏鼠标,采用了约68g轻量化设计,兼容不同握姿及握法;搭载了1+9个自定义按键,DPI键支持7档切换,带来方便快捷的操作体验。
Rapoo VT9PRO 4K Wireless Gaming Mouse, PAW 3398 Sensor, …
2023年11月1日 · Top esports-grade sensor, which delivers ever greater 26000 DPI, 650 IPS, and 50G acceleration. Incredible 4K polling, a real game changer. Break the limitations of mouse cords and human response. Minimizes the mouse drag and friction, improving your total control and response time during games. Fits perfectly with claw, palm, and fingertip grips.
VT9PRO Black Golden/White Orange - Rapoo
Wired/Wireless Lightweight Optical Gaming Mouse • 68±2g lightweight design • Symmetrical design for right hand • V+ Wireless gaming technology (1ms response time, 10m+ transmission range, and 3 anti-interference modes, NORDIC chip) • Wired and 2.4 GHz wireless modes • Updated to support 2k or 4k polling rate (4k dongle needs to ...