Cerma STM-3 Treatments
Cerma offers a complete line of treatments for engines (gasoline and diesel, 2 and 4 cycle), transmissions, power steering, rear axles, hydraulics, machinery, air conditioning, fuel and turbos. All Cerma Treatments are based on Cerma's advanced next generation SiC "Run Clean" Technology that is exclusive to Cerma.
Cerma Ceramic Gear Treatment for Axles & Gear Boxes
Say goodbye to rough shifting and noisy gears with Cerma STM-3® Ceramic Gear Treatment for Axles and Gear Boxes. This revolutionary product creates a micro-ceramic protective coating on all metal parts in your vehicle, providing unparalleled protection from heat, friction, and …
Revolutionary Ceramic Engine Treatment for Diesel Engines
Cerma STM-3 Engine Treatment works by penetrating the metal surfaces of your engine and eliminating destructive harmonics, noise, and vibration. It simultaneously cleans and protects worn parts by creating a smoother, more durable surface without changing factory tolerances.
Cerma (CERMA S.R.L.) - 仪舶科仪
2015年1月25日 · Cerma带固定主轴箱的自动车床,该部门由新的机器组成,所有双主轴都带有一个、两个或三个带电动单元的转塔。 工作能力从直径 10 mm 到直径 70 mm、棒材长度可达 3300 mm。
Cerma Treatment, Application, Installation, Specifications
Cerma STM-3 is compatible with both gasoline and diesel-powered vehicles. It is added to existing systems just like adding oil, and it is compatible with all common oils and fluids. Cerma STM-3 Engine is added straight into the motor oil crank case, without needing to drain the oil that is already in the engine or turning off the vehicle.
CV Axles? - Veloster Turbo Forum
2019年5月24日 · One of my cv axles is making a clicking noise on accel/decel, so I went to get a couple estimates. The first one was over $600 just for one, and the other was a little less for one, but almost $1200 for two... Does this seem right? The OEM from Hyundai was $420?!
VT (ブイティー) / CICA クリーム プラスの公式商品情報|美容・ …
VT定番商品「CICA クリーム」が新しくなって戻ってきました! CICA クリームの良いところはそのまま! BALANCE PLUS SYSTEMでさらにしっとりと潤いを角層へ届け、油分・水分バランスを整えます。 どこでも使えるミニサイズの30mlと水分が必要な部位にたくさん塗り広げられる大容量100ml、2つのサイズから選べます。 朝晩のスキンケアの最後の段階で適量手に取り、顔全体に軽く伸ばしながら手のひらでやさしく包み込み馴染ませます。 ※クリームのグ …
- 评论数: 15
Crema de fata Cica Reti-A, 30 ml, VT Cosmetics - Farmacia Tei
2025年3月1日 · Crema de fata Cica Reti-A, 30 ml, VT Cosmetics cu efect dublu de iluminare si imbunatatire a ridurilor, rafineaza textura pielii, reduce porii si sporeste elasticitatea
VT Cosmetics Reedle Shot Synergy Repair Cream 300
Con su innovador sistema de reparación sinérgica CICA REEDLE de 3 pasos, que incluye Cica Reedle™, EGF, 9GF, azuleno, pantenol e ingredientes similares a los lípidos, esta crema facial mejora la textura de la piel y realza su firmeza, al mismo tiempo que proporciona un apoyo esencial para la piel sensible o desequilibrada.
VT Reedle Shot 300 esta específicamente indicado para problemas de la piel como piel apagada, cansada, hiperpigmentación, textura áspera, sequedad, irritación y barrera cutánea dañada. ¿Por qué elegir VT Reedle Shot 300? Se puede utilizar cada 3 a 5 días para lograr resultados notables, y también es eficaz como tratamiento localizado.