T-34 variants - Wikipedia
MT-34 (1950s) (MT stands for mostní tank ["bridging tank"]) - This unit was a Czechoslovakian conversion with a PM-34 scissors bridge carried on rollers on top of a turretless T-34. VT-34 (VT stands for vyprošťovací tank ["recovery tank"]) - This variation was a Czechoslovakian purpose-built recovery vehicle.
CZK - VT-34 (vyprošťovací tank) : Czechoslovakia / Czech …
The VT-34 rescue tank is built on the T-34/85 chassis and is designed for rescuing stranded and towing damaged tanks. The rescue can be carried out day and night in all weather conditions. Main parts : - Winch, - winch bed, - gears, - spur, - rope controller, - sensor and tension indicator, - guide pulley cross, - winch control, - rope cleaner,
VINOTEMP 34-Bottle Touchscreen Wine Cooler VT-34 TS - The Home Depot
Maintain optimum temperature for your wine collection with the VT-34 TS wine cooler. This attractive 34-bottle wine cooler has a black body and door, plus special features like a touchscreen control panel. In addition to an internal light and the ability to toggle between a Celsius and Fahrenheit display, this cooler includes a control panel lock.
Vinotemp VT-34 TS 34 Bottle Cooler Refrigerator, Freestanding …
34 BOTTLE STORAGE: This wine refrigerator comfortably houses up to 34 bottles of your cherished red, white, or sparkling wines. Accommodating up to 34 bottles on six sturdy wire shelves and a compact bulk storage area, the fridge fits seamlessly into your home with its sleek, space-saving design and stylish dual-paned tinted glass door.
34 Bottle Touch Screen Wine Cooler - Vinotemp
Maintain optimum temperature for your wine collection with the VT-34 TS wine cooler. This attractive 34-bottle wine cooler has a black body, plus special features like a touchscreen control panel. In addition to an internal light and the ability to toggle between a Celsius and Fahrenheit display, this cooler includes a control panel lock.
CZK - VT-34 (vyprošťovací tank) : Československo / ČR / SR …
Vyslobodzovací tank VT-34 je konštruovaný na podvozku T-34/85 a je určený k vyslobodzovaniu uviaznutých a k odvlečeniu poškodených tankov. Vyslobodzovanie je možné vykonávať vo dne i v noci za každých poveternostných podmienok.
VT-34 - Photos & Video - NET-MAQUETTES
Dec 4, 2016 · 2007 VT-34 was a Czechoslovakian armored recovery vehicle based on the T-34 tank chassis. It was designed to tow and repair damaged tanks on the battlefield. The VT-34 had a crew of two and was equipped with a powerful winch, a crane, and various tools. The VT-34 could pull up to 120 tons of weight using three pulleys.
VINOTEMP VT-34 TS OWNER'S MANUAL Pdf Download | ManualsLib
View and Download Vinotemp VT-34 TS owner's manual online. 34 bottle. VT-34 TS wine cooler pdf manual download. Also for: Vt-34ts.
苏联T-34坦克及其改型① - 哔哩哔哩
在t-34/85的炮塔上安装附加的铁丝网来防范铁拳 71、基于T-34的四连装Dshk自走式防空车 72、AT-T火炮牵引车,早期型号使用T-34底盘
VT-34 recovery tank in Svidník, Slovakia (Google Maps)
Recovery tank VT-34 was the first special superstructure, which in Czechoslovakia was created on the chassis of the tank T-34-85. The prototype was created in 1957 and the first machines were to services delivered a year later. Production continued until 1963 with přetržkou in the years 58-60 and in total it was produced more than 300 machines.
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