Douglas TBD Devastator - Wikipedia
US Navy TBD-1 Torpedo Squadron Six (VT-6), from USS Enterprise (CV-6), circa 1938
The Valiant Sacrifice of the Torpedo Bombers: VT3, VT-6 and VT …
2014年6月4日 · The TBDs performed adequately against minor opposition at Coral Sea and in strikes against the Marshalls but the squadrons embarked on Yorktown (VT3), Enterprise (VT-6) and Hornet (VT-8) were annihilated at Midway with only 6 of 41 aircraft surviving their uncoordinated attacks against the Japanese Carrier Strike Force. They were too slow, had ...
细说中途岛的美军航空兵(3) - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
VT8的攻击刚刚结束不到10分钟后的9点38分,企业号VT-6的14架TBD也在尤金·林赛少校 (Eugene E. Lindsey)的带领下从东南方向分成两组夹击加贺号航母。 此时的零战还都在VT8发动攻击的东北方向,但是加贺号娴熟的规避机动迫使VT6反复调整航向,未能在零战到达前发动 ...
Torpedo Six Action Report: 4 June 1942 - CV-6
The attack was pressed home in the face of intense light and heavy calibre A.A. fire and fighter aircraft opposition of the Japanese "Zero" type. The Japanese fighter planes were not only superior in maneuverability and fire power but outnumbered our fourteen TBD-1 …
美国TBD蹂躏者鱼雷轰炸机 - 百度百科
TBD蹂躏者式轰炸机(英语:TBD Devastator)是美国海军一款鱼雷轰炸机,由道格拉斯飞行器公司生产。它是美国海军第一款全金属、单翼设计的鱼雷轰炸机。
TBD (航空機) - Wikipedia
TBD デヴァステイター(Douglas TBD Devastator )は、アメリカ海軍が太平洋戦争前期に使用した主力雷撃機(艦上攻撃機)である。 本機は アメリカ 初の 艦載 単葉 金属 機でもある。
TBD Devastator - World War Photos
Douglas TBD Devastator – American torpedo bomber of the United States Navy, ordered in 1934, which entered service in 1937. Manufacturer: Douglas Aircraft Company, El Segundo, California. Crew: pilot, torpedo officer (navigator) and gunner.
Douglas TBD Devastator code 6-T-13 of the VT-6 1941
The Douglas TBD Devastator was the result of the US Navy’s efforts to modernize its torpedo-bombing capabilities in the 1930s. When introduced, the TBD was considered advanced for its time, incorporating features like all-metal construction and …
到10点时,vt-6的进攻结束,幸存的tbd正在飞离,日本舰队的上空暂时平静了下来,零战三三两两地结成小队盘旋在各自母舰的周围。 值得一提的是,南云机动部队没有安装对空搜索雷达,无法象美军舰队一样提前预警到危险来临,他们只能象一群护主的猎狗一样 ...
Douglas TBD Devastator | Military Wiki | Fandom
The Douglas TBD Devastator was a torpedo bomber of the United States Navy, ordered in 1934, it first flew in 1935 and entered service in 1937. At that point, it was the most advanced aircraft flying for the USN and possibly for any navy in the world.