数字电路基础知识——反相器的相关知识(噪声容限、VTC、转换 …
2019年8月27日 · VTC(Voltage Transfer Characteristics)曲线: VTC的形状基本上与高于阈值的操作相同。VTC陡峭部分的斜率取决于反向器的亚阈值斜率。 其中涉及到的的四个重要参数:
A highly linear voltage-to-time converter with variable conversion gain …
A digital controlled switched charge pump is used to generate four different current so that this VTC can operate with variable conversion gain. The VTC is designed for time-based ADCs. The simulation results shows that SFDR of the VTC can be greater than 60dB and THD can be lower than -54dB for all working modes.
超大规模集成电路设计----CMOS反相器(五) - CSDN博客
2023年12月5日 · 我们先利用vtc曲线找到vm,然后求出vm处的斜率曲线,让这个斜率曲线与vout=voh和vout=vol相交,得到的两个点分别就是vil和vih。 那么该如何推导出vih和vil用vm和g表达的式子呢?请看下面的推导。
VTC Mathematical Definitions •V OH is the output high level of an inverter V OH = VTC(V OL) •V OL is the output low level of an inverter V OL = VTC(V OH) •V M is the switching threshold V M = V IN = V OUT •V IH is the lowest input voltage for which the output will be ≥the input (worst case ‘1’) dVTC(V IH)/dV IH = -1 •V
• Voltage Transfer Characteristic (VTC) – plot of Vout as a function of Vin – vary Vin from 0 to VDD – find Vout at each value of Vin
数字电路基础知识——反相器的相关知识(噪声容限、VTC、转换 …
2021年6月16日 · VTC(Voltage Transfer Characteristics)曲线: VTC的形状基本上与高于阈值的操作相同。 VTC陡峭部分的斜率取决于反向器的亚阈值斜率。
Design techniques for voltage-to-time converters with nonlinearity ...
2022年3月21日 · The average gain of the VS-VTC is 6.01 ns/mV while that of the CS-VTC is 1.37 ns/mV. It should be noted that the gain of CS-VTC can be varied by adjusting either the current of the cascode current mirror or the integration capacitor.
专用集成电路 -- 反相器 - love小酒窝 - 博客园
2020年5月1日 · VIL和VIH需要计算VTC的增益g=-1的点,不过还有一种简化的噪声容限可以用下面的公式表示,相当于将过渡区线性近似。 静态CMOS反相器也可以作为一个模拟放大器使用,在过渡区会有相当高的增益。 但是这一区域很窄,作为放大器的一些其他性质也很差。 器件在不同的制造工艺(Process),工作电压(Voltage)以及温度(Temperature)条件下其参数一定会偏离设计中采用的典型值,但静态CMOS反相器的dc特性对这些变化不敏感,所以可以在很宽的工作条件 …
VTC-CMOS-Inverter | Digital-CMOS-Design - Electronics Tutorial
From the detailed analysis of VTC characteristics it can be observed that, CMOS inverter has a very narrow transition zone. Therefore, high gain can be achieved when both NMOS and PMOS are simultaneously ON and operated in saturation.
A 4x folding voltage-to-time converter with adjustable conversion gain …
Abstract: A folding voltage-to-time converter (VTC) is proposed for time-based ADC. Conventional VTCs suffer serious linearity interference due to its large input range. The proposed VTC adopts a 4x folding architecture, and thus reduce the VTC input range which makes the gain of proposed VTC more larger and linear.