vtkmodules.test.Testing - VTK documentation
This VTK-Python test module supports image based tests with multiple images per test suite and multiple images per individual test as well. It also prints information appropriate for CDash (http://open.kitware.com/).
About the Examples - VTK
We are now using github pages to provide examples that will help both new and experienced VTK users. The examples can be used to find examples that answer questions like, "How do I extract normals from a filter's output?", "How do I generate models from segmented data?", and "How do I compute the area of a triangle?", just to name a few.
Adding Tests - VTK documentation
All new features that go into VTK must be accompanied by tests. This ensures that the feature works on many platforms and that it will continue to work as VTK evolves. Tests for the classes in each module of VTK are placed underneath the module’s Testing/ subdirectory.
Regression Testing - VTK documentation
Regression testing in VTK takes the form of a set of programs, that are included in the VTK source code and enabled in builds configured through CMake to have the VTK_BUILD_TESTING flag turned on. Test pass/fail results are returned to CTest via a test program’s exit code.
VTK Source、Help、Data、Test简介 - CSDN博客
2021年5月12日 · VTK是VisualizationToolkit的缩写,是一个开源的三维可视化库。 Kitware公司提供了vtk的官方文档和开发指南。 VTKData包含测试用例所需的数据,而vtkDocHtml提供了离线帮助文档。
VTK-测试例子_vtk test-CSDN博客
2022年8月25日 · CMakeLists.txt文件代码如下 cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8) #指定工程名称 project(TestVTKInstall) #find_package命令搜索的就是VTK的配置文件VTKConfig.cmake find_package(VTK REQUIRED) #include (${VTK_USE_FILE})命令就是包含UseVTK.cmake文件 include(${VTK_USE_FILE}) add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} TestVTKInstall.cpp)
Creating a test in vtk.js
2025年3月17日 · This guide illustrates how to add tests to the vtk.js repository and how to run and debug them. First each VTK class can have several tests spread among several files but we also have infrastructure for global tests which live inside Sources/Testing/test*.js.
VTK+CTK+Qt5 配置与测试 - 简书
2018年10月27日 · std::cout << "Hello, World!" << std::endl; QSurfaceFormat::setDefaultFormat(QVTKOpenGLWidget::defaultFormat()); return vtk_with_qt(argc, argv); } int vtk_with_qt(int argc, char* argv[]){ QApplication a(argc, argv); QWidget w; QVBoxLayout layout; QVTKOpenGLWidget v; v.setFixedSize(300, 300); layout.addWidget(&v);
2018年7月17日 · 本文介绍如何在ROS环境中利用VTK库进行三维图形的开发与交互操作。 通过一个示例程序展示了如何创建锥体模型并使用vtkBoxWidget进行交互控制,包括调整模型的转换矩阵和获取PolyData数据。
vtk-test-template: VTK test 模版工程代码,模版工程 ... - Gitee
This is a VTK test proram templete. VTK test 模版工程代码,模版工程代码建立测试 VTK 功能的project/repo。
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