Vampire: The Masquerade: L.A. By Night - IMDb
Four vampires navigate personal horror and inhuman conspiracies while surviving the terrifying nights in L.A. Victor … Annabelle … Greg … Therese Voerman … Led by Storyteller Jason Carl of White Wolf Entertainment, L.A.
TV-Gids - alle tv programma's in 1 handig overzicht - VTM
Show, Spelprogramma. Vier bekende Vlamingen ondergaan een straffe transformatie tot flamboyante dragqueens. Vaste panelleden Bart Appeltans en Karen Damen proberen samen met Bart Kaëll en Luc Appermont te raden wie er ...
TV Shows on VTM — The Movie Database (TMDB)
1991年12月30日 · VTM is a network based in Vilvoorde. Discover new movies and TV shows from VTM and where you can watch them.
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Vampire the Masquerade - Best 2-3 podcasts or video actual plays?
2021年5月16日 · After listening to some of Stream of Blood's "Vampires of Pittsburgh: Lockdown" (run by Jared Logan) which I am really enjoying, have wanted to branch out into some of the other VtM shows. The following are ones I keep seeing mentioned, and am curious which are the 1-2 folks would most recommend? Video shows: L.A. by Night
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L.A. By Night (Show) | Vampire: The Masquerade - Fandom
By Night is a web series where a group of performers play Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition. Seasons 1 - 3 aired live Friday nights at 8:00pm Los Angeles time on Geek & Sundry's Twitch channel. Episodes are archived on YouTube. Seasons 4 - 5 streamed live weekly on the World of Darkness Twitch channel, on Friday nights at 8pm PST.
Share your Favorite VtM Actual Play Shows : r/LAbyNight - Reddit
2020年4月3日 · Share your Favorite VtM Actual Play Shows This season is about to wrap up and I thought it would be a good idea to make a thread where we can share other VtM shows we like. Although I have not yet watched, I think Long Beach by Night should be on the list, B Dave being the ST for that game.
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