Warrant of Fitness - VTNZ
When vehicle passes its Warrant of Fitness (WoF) inspection, we give you more than just a sticker for your vehicle. We’ll ensure your car is legally compliant and, more importantly, safe to drive on the road at the time of its inspection.
VTNZ | Your Partner for Driver and Vehicle Safety
VTNZ now offers bookings across select inspection services at specific branches! Find out more about booking your next WoF, CoF A or CoF B below. Our new self-service online booking system provides the ultimate convenience.
VTNZ | Your Partner for Driver and Vehicle Safety
Online WoF booking is now available at select VTNZ branches! Our new self-service online booking system provides the ultimate convenience - allowing you to create an account and make, edit, and cancel your own bookings.
VTNZ | Find your Local VTNZ Branch
With over 100 locations nationwide, we'll get your vehicle sorted. From WoFs, CoFs, regos, driver licensing and more, we’ll help keep you safe on the road.
新西兰车辆年检和路权科普,背包客必看! - iWHVer打工度假圈 …
2020年9月27日 · WOF的全称是Warrant of Fitness,是新西兰NZTA为私家车制定的强制检测制度,确保上路的车没有太严重的安全隐患,大部分WOF检测在10~30分钟内就能完成。 WOF的凭证是贴在主驾挡风玻璃上的一张小贴纸,上面显示了有效期限,以方便执法人员检查。
WOF Warrant of Fitness Takapuna | Michies Automotive - Auto …
We offer you the best of both worlds as a VTNZ Certified Repairer: an independent VTNZ WoF assessment and the expertise of our highly skilled mechanics – all in one convenient location in Takapuna. VTNZ carries out over 600,000 WoF assessments a year, so you can rest assured your vehicle is being checked by the experts.
VTNZ | Your Partner for Driver and Vehicle Safety
From WoFs, CoFs, regos and simple replacements to basic servicing and once-overs before you buy, we'll help keep you safe on the road.
VTNZ - Roadside Assistance - Terms and Conditions
WoF+VTNZ Roadside Assistance for 6 months cover can only be purchased with a VTNZ WoF. If the call-out has been used prior to your next WoF, and you would like to renew your Roadside Assistance cover before your next WoF, you will need to choose either the Annual or Premium Roadside Assistance for 12 months cover.
VTNZ - Shop
If you would like to purchase a VTNZ prepaid voucher, please visit us at one of our branches. You can also purchase a Digital WoF Voucher online here . Alternatively, you can purchase an MTA Gift Card here .
VTNZ - Did you know if your vehicle fails a Warrant of... - Facebook
If your vehicle does fail its WoF inspection, the date for the vehicle’s last day for a free recheck will be printed on the check sheet. For more information visit https://vtnz.co.nz/personal-services/be-road-legal/warrant-of-fitness/ #DrivingSafely