VTube Studio – Official Website
VTube Studio is an app for Virtual YouTubers that makes it easy and fun to bring your own Live2D models to life. VTube Studio now also supports hand tracking! VTube Studio can do everything you'll need and more!
VTS Editor: AI‑Powered Authoring Tool to Easily Create Serious …
With VTS Editor's AI, you have the ability to instantly translate your e‑learning training projects into several languages. This capacity for quick and precise transcription makes your training materials accessible to an international audience, eliminates linguistic and cultural barriers, and ensures a uniform learning experience for all ...
VTS Editor - appsource.microsoft.com
The unique end-to-end no-code solution of the digital learning industry, fully compatible with all Learning Management Systems, VTS Editor empowers training designers. In total autonomy, you can easily create interactive and dynamic virtual training simulations, 5 times faster and cheaper than existing solutions on the market, and with no need ...
VTube Studio on Steam
VTube Studio is the tool of choice for any Live2D VTuber! With a wide variety of features, it has never been easier to connect with your viewers!! VTube Studio can be used directly with your webcam on any Windows PC or Mac.
100+ Free VTuber Models Download - Live3D
1. Vroid Studio: a free 3D character creation tool that allows you to create custom anime-style characters. 2. Blender: a 3D modeling software that can be used to create VTuber models from scratch. 3. Live2D: a 2D animation software that allows you …
FF14Live2D直播工具,高级触发器AuraCanVTS 2.0使用教程 - 哔哩 …
vts触发器的主要功能无非两点: 触发模型的热键或启停动作,如更换地图、buff附加或移除、hp或mp数值或百分比大于或小于某个值、职业更换、释放了技能、职业量谱(百合数量/当前奥秘卡/通晓层数/亚灵神倒计时/黑白魔元和魔元集数量/热度电能/幻扇伶俐…)
Home · DenchiSoft/VTubeStudio Wiki · GitHub
VTube Studio (also known as VTS) is an app that uses your smartphone or webcam to track your face and animate a Live2D Cubism Model accordingly. The model can be shown directly on your phone, or the face-tracking data can be streamed over your local network to …
《VTube Studio》手把手教你拥有自己的虚拟形象 - 电玩帮
2023年6月5日 · 《VTube Studio》是一款上架pc、ios、安卓的虚拟形象动作捕捉软件,本文只介绍pc版本。 (以下简称VTS) 在steam上搜索VTube Studio,开始免费下载。 该软件本体免费,两个付费dlc分别为移除水印与多人同屏互动。 对于只是利用VTS娱乐的受众来说,这两个dlc完全不需要购买。 打开VTS,首先看到的是英文ui界面,选择左侧第四个设置选项,点击后在画面右上角找到调整语言选项,选择中文。 简单介绍一下ui界面左侧的功能栏,分别是:模型、背景 …
VTT Creator - An online editor and visualizer for video captions …
Extract subtitles or captions from your video in seconds using speech-to-text technology. Tweak the timing of each cue to perfection with an easy click and drag interface. Export your subtitles to a .vtt file for use anywhere on the web, or a .srt file for use offline. No sign up necessary, just load your video, and go!
VTS Editor : AI‑Powered Authoring Tool to Easily Create your own ...
VTS Editor: helps you to create engaging Serious Games thanks to AI. Simplify content creation for engaging and interactive e‑learning experiences.
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