The Victor-Victrola Page
The VV-IV or "Victrola the Fourth" was Victor's first economical internal-horn tabletop "Victrola" model. Its introduction in the spring of 1911 was concurrent with the launch of a wide lineup of newly-designed machines, which included models such as the VV-X and VV-IX.
Victrola And Its Various Models
The most popular Victrola was the VV-XI floor model which sold more than 850,000 copies during its entire production period of 1910 to 1921. The following models of Victrola were also released in the market:
1914 Victor VV-IV Victrola - JAS Antiques
If you're short on space and looking for a top-notch Victor in looks, performance and originality, this Victor VV-IV would be perfect for you. Unlike many other Victrola's available these days, this Victor has been fully restored and is all ready to enjoy!
Antique Victrola Record Player: History, Types & Value Guide
The VV-IV, often known as “Victrola the Fourth,” was Victor’s first reasonably priced “Victrola” tabletop model with an integrated horn. It was introduced in the spring of 1911.
The Victor-Victrola Page
To gain a better perspective of the rarity of any particular model of Victor Talking Machines, we must defer to the original production data. Nearly 50% of Victor's entire product output between 1901 and 1929 can be attributed to just the top-selling 7 models: the "VV-XI", "VV-VI", "VV-IV", "VV-IX", "VV-X", "VV-2-55", and "VV 4-3" (Consolette).
Victor Victrola VV IV -A, Tabletop Phonograph - cbladey
V-V IV = Tabletop model, selling from 1911 to 1926. V-V X - table top model and upright, sold from 1910 to 1921. V-V XI - most common Victrola, over 853,000 sold from 1910 to 1921 (1921 renamed the V-V 90, with a 85,405 units sold from 1921 to 1924-the "console" style more popular). V-V XIV sold from 1910 to 1921, renamed the 110 in 1921.
Victor VV-IV Phonograph (cir. 1918-20) - LOVINGLY RESTORED
Victor VV-IV Phonograph (cir. 1918-20) - RESTORED. Phonograph has been lovingly restored to amazing working & aesthetic perfection. Plays extremely loud with doors even slightly open! Diaphragm repaired with new mica and gasket. New weights and leaf-springs for speed governor. Cleaned, flushed and oiled motor.
The history of the Victor Victrola Phonograph (1900’s) - Geek Slop
2010年8月15日 · The Models VV-IV, VV-VI, VV-VIII, and VV-IX were introduced with prices of $15 to $50. Sales rose from 7,000 per year in 1906 to 250,000 per year by 1913. By 1917, Victor was making over a half million Victrolas per year with the VV-XI floor model being the most popular and selling over 850,000 units from 1910 through 1921.
The Victor-Victrola Page
The VV-VI or Victrola the Sixth, was a very popular tabletop "Victrola" internal-horn phonograph; it was a 'step-up' model with a larger cabinet and more powerful motor than the entry-level VV-IV model.
VV-IV model identification A, B, C etc. - Talking Machine
2014年6月25日 · The VV-IV is one of Victor's more common models. It was made for many years and underwent many modifications. Each time Victor made a modification a letter was added to the model name: VV-IV, VV-IV A, VV-IV B, etc. I recall reading a book that listed the features of a VV-IV, then the A, B, and so forth.