VW Jetta P0722 Code: Car Won't Shift Til 4k RPM - Q&A
The P0722 fault code has to deal with the Output Speed Sensor "G68". An issue with either the G68 or the Transmission Vehicle Speed Sensor G38 can cause a fault for either sensor, access to both the G68 and G38 sensors and measure the internal resistance of each sensor.
VW Jetta 2002 P0722 Code: Q&A on Output Speed Sensor …
vwtech0405 | VW Master Technician VW Certified 10,874 Satisfied Customers P0302, p0304, p0321, p0420, and p0722 on VW jetta 2002. what does this mean? check engine light came on.
VW P0722 Code: Troubleshooting Speed Sensor Problems
P0722 Output Speed Sensor No Signal. You changed the wrong sensors, G38 and G68 are speed sensors but not output speed sensors. You need to change the vehicle speed sensor or check the shaft, common issue is the plastic shaft breaks causing no vehicle speed.
Q&A: Troubleshooting 2001 VW New Beetle - P0722 Error Code
the sensors is associated with the P0722 code. P0722 is "output speed sensor," but nowhere are any of the sensors described with those words. My successful repair would indicate the following: The G38 sensor, on the center top of the transmission, directly accessible under the battery tray, is apparently the input speed sensor referenced
I need help i keep getting code p0722 and the code for the
2008年8月24日 · VW Mechanic: David, VW Master Technician replied 15 years ago When the TCM Trans Control unit, sees the fault for the speed sensor it will immediately go into limp mode, this will lock the trans in third gear and feel very heavy or loss of power.
VW Beetle P0722 Code: Expert Q&A on Troubleshooting & Solutions
2012年11月11日 · For VW techs only 2002 18. 5 speed automatic Jetta 09A transmission shifts horribly and won't go into top gear. Throwing code p0722. Already replaced g68 sensor.
VW Beetle Transmission Sensor Codes P0722 & P0715 - Q&A
David | VW Master Technician Certified for 9 years, ASE Master Technician Certified 1,811 Satisfied Customers I kepp getting codes p0722-p0341-p0103-p1127-p0171
Volkswagen Jetta P0321 DTC: Causes and Solutions | JustAnswer
P0302, p0304, p0321, p0420, and p0722 on VW jetta 2002. what does this mean? check engine light came on.
My 2002 VW Jetta has the check engine light on. local
Customer: My 2002 VW Jetta has the check engine light on. local mechanic says code is P0722 - output speed sensor. He says VW placed the speed sensor in the transmission of the 2002 model - only year they did it.. The repari will be over $200 …
Started working in VW/Audi dealership in 1999. 2009 Registered and Certified VW Tech. ASE Master 212 Satisfied Customers We own a 2001 VW Jetta, with 75m and it is a 1.8T The car bucks after driving for awhile, and becines very difficult to