Volkswagen Multivan (T7) - Wikipedia
The Volkswagen Multivan (T7) is the seventh generation of the Volkswagen large van series. The Multivan is introduced as a large MPV riding on the front-wheel drive based MQB Evo platform which categorises vehicles such as the Audi A3 and the Volkswagen Caddy. [3] The Multivan offers a range of petrol, diesel, and plug-in hybrid models. [4]
VW T7 Multivan | Caravelle Successor | Volkswagen UK
Innovation meets practicality. The Multivan. A spacious, flexible interior with up to seven seats, incredible versatility, connectivity, and a choice of powertrains, including a plug-in hybrid version. The Multivan provides endless options whether you're travelling for business or leisure. Plug-in hybrid currently only available from stock.
【採訪】福斯商旅 T7 Multivan 雙車型 199.8 / 247.8 ... - Mobile01
2022年10月13日 · 台灣福斯商旅在今日發表了旗下最新的中大型MPV - 也就是T7世代的「Multivan」,車系共規劃「Life」與「Style」雙車型,車艙內均採2/2/3的三排七人座配置,價格則分別為199.8、247.8萬元。
The new VW Transporter Is Actually a Ford Underneath
2024年8月1日 · Volkswagen's Commercial Vehicle arm has revealed a new Transporter. Dubbed the T7, it's largely based on the Ford Tourneo/Transit Custom. That's eveident from the rear end's shape, even though...
福斯商旅 T7 Multivan 試駕|不當商旅,轉性豪華七座 MPV!
2022年11月1日 · T7 Multivan全車系標配三區恆溫空調系統,除了傳統的操作方式外,也具備「智慧空調」模式可直接對應多種情境使用,另外「淨化空氣」則可開啟車內粉塵與過敏原空氣濾淨器得到更潔淨的車室空氣。
2024年8月2日 · 日前,大众汽车发布了旗下第七代T系列车型(以下简称为“T7”)的官方图片,即全新凯路威(Caravelle)和Transporter,前者定位为大型MPV车型,后者则为商用版本的中大型MPV(封闭式厢货车型)。
New VW Transporter And Caravelle Debut With Diesel, PHEV, And …
2024年9月16日 · The latest VW Transporter T7, based on the same underpinnings as the new Ford Transit Custom, offers a versatile range of powertrains, including turbodiesel, plug-in hybrid, and fully electric...
2025 VW Transporter T7: Design, Powertrains And Everything ... - Carscoops
2024年1月6日 · Volkswagen’s all-new Transporter cargo van has yet to be fully unveiled, yet pre-orders have already kicked off in Germany ahead of its global rollout over the next 12 months. The Transporter and...
The new Volkswagen T7 Multivan is basically perfect - CNET
2021年6月14日 · In addition to a range of turbocharged gas and diesel engines, the T7 will be the first VW van to be available with a plug-in-hybrid powertrain. The PHEV uses a turbocharged 1.5-liter...
搭载1.4T插混 大众T7 Multivan官图 - 汽车之家
该车除了提供汽油版、柴油版车型外,还提供插电式混合动力版本车型,其混动版本的车型将搭载由1.4T涡轮增压发动机和85kW电动机组成的插电式混合动力系统,其综合功率达到160kW。 外观方面,大众T7 Multivan采用大众家族式的设计风格,视觉效果上看起来比较有辨识度。 车身侧面,该车比较引人瞩目的是使用了双A柱的设计,增大驾驶员的侧面视野,同时其挡风玻璃更加倾斜,此处变化可以有效降低风阻、风噪。 车身尺寸方面,新车长宽高分别 …