Yaesu VX-2R HT Vertex VX2R - Universal Radio
The Yaesu VX-2R is a microminiature 2 meter/440 MHz handheld with extensive receive frequency coverage, providing local-area two-way amateur communications along with unmatched monitoring capability. It is the world's smallest HT with 1.5/1 watt output on 2M/440. Its incredible size allows you to take it anywhere.
Yaesu VX series - Wikipedia
The Yaesu VX series is a line of two sequences of compact amateur radio handheld transceivers produced by Yaesu. There is a line of ultra-compact lower-power dual-band (2 m and 70 cm) transceivers that started with the VX-1R and was later updated with the VX-2R and VX-3R.
HER ULTRA-COMPACT HT Ultra Compact, Ultra Rugged! The VX-2 series unbelievably small, 1 Amp-hour Lithium-Ion battery pack powers a high-efficiency PA circuit to provide as much as 3.
The VX-2R is a micro-miniature multiband FM transceiver with extensive receive frequency coverage, providing lo-cal-area two-way amateur communications along with un-matched monitoring capability.
Welcome to Yaesu.com
Ultra Compact, Ultra Rugged! The VX-2 series unbelievably small, 1 Amp-hour Lithium-Ion battery pack powers a high-efficiency PA circuit to provide as much as 3 Watts (144 MHz) when using an external power source. This from a case even smaller than that of the VX-1R: 1.89" x 3.19" x 0.91" WHD (47 x 81 x 23 mm,
VX-2R是最小的1.5瓦双频段手持机 , 无论是VFH,UHF,还是聆听短波,FM广播,航海,航空频率, 甚至通过WIRES 网关连通世界, VX-2R都会带给你全新的体验和随时随地的方便 。
I don't know how they did it but the VX-2R boasts a RF power output of 1.5 watts on VHF and 1 watt on UHF. That puts it in a better ball game for a more usable radio with my uses. The VX-R1's 500 mw output was just too wimpy for ANY distance applications.
Yaesu VX-2R - eHam.net
The Yaesu VX-2R is a microminiature 2 meter/440 MHz handheld with extensive receive frequency coverage, providing local-area two-way amateur communications along with …
Yaesu VX-2R / VX-2E Specs and Prices - RadioMasterList.com
Yaesu VX-2R / VX-2E Price and Specifications. Dual-band 144/430 MHz FM handheld transceiver with 0.5-999 MHz wide-band reception. Up to 1.5W of output power with battery pack, 3W with external DC source. Over 1300 memory channels and special memory bank for VHF Marine frequencies. WiRES Internet access key and DTMF autodialer.
RigPix Database - Yaesu - VX-2R
Dimmer. 1750 Hz repeater tone. Data cloning.