CZ 25冲锋枪 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
CZ 25(Sa.25、vz.48b):第二種衍生型,也是最著名的衍生型。 使用可折疊的 金属 製槍托,仍然是發射9毫米子弹。 除了可折疊的金属製槍托以外,其餘都和CZ 23相同,亦且使用相同的24、40發雙排式彈匣。
Sa 23 - Wikipedia
The CZ Model 23/25 (properly, Sa 23/25 or Sa vz. 48b/samopal vz. 48b – samopal vzor 48 výsadkový, "submachine gun model year 1948 para") was a series of Czechoslovak designed submachine guns introduced in 1948. There were four generally very similar submachine guns in this series: the Sa 23, Sa 24, Sa 25, and Sa 26.
Ceska Zbrojovka vz. 23 / 24 / 25/ 26 (Samopal) - Military Factory
2018年9月26日 · Page details technical specifications, development, and operational history of the Ceska Zbrojovka vz. 23 / 24 / 25/ 26 (Samopal) Submachine Gun (SMG) / Machine Pistol including pictures. The global defense reference actively compiled since 2003
武器专栏:捷克斯洛伐克 CZ 25冲锋枪 - 哔 ... - 哔哩哔哩
CZ 25(Sa.25、Sa-48b或samopal vz.48b)是一系列由捷克斯洛伐克所设计、在1948年推出的著名冲锋枪。 这款冲锋枪系列通常有四种外型上非常相似的型号,分别是:Sa.23、Sa.24、Sa.25和Sa.26。 这个冲锋枪系列的主要设计师是CZ特拉科尼采武器工厂的总工程师瓦茨拉夫·霍莱克。 CZ 25相关数据. 类型:冲锋枪. 原产地:捷克斯洛伐克. 服役期间:1948年-当前. 参与战争:越南战争、猪湾事件、1979年中越战争、入侵格林纳达、叙利亚内 战. 研发者:瓦茨拉夫·霍莱克. 研 …
两次大战间捷克15厘米重型榴弹炮详情 - 百度贴吧
15厘米 VZ25重型榴弹炮是第二次世界大战中德国国防军使用捷克的重型榴弹炮。它以15厘米sFH 25(t)的形式被纳入国防军服役。斯洛伐克的拥有126门该炮。 为了取代捷克继承的各种奥匈重型榴弹炮,捷克在1919年获得独立后不久就开始开发新的榴弹炮的计划。
CZK - vz. 25 (15cm hrubá houfnice) : Czechoslovakia / Czech …
Škoda system weapon with horizontal wedge breech, construction Ing. Wilhelm Kraft, manufactured between 1925 and 1935 by a joint-stock company, formerly Škoda's plants in Pilsen, extensive modification of a coarse howitzer model 14/16 caliber 15 cm.
一战二战之间捷克斯洛伐克VZ25和VZ37型15厘米重型榴弹炮 - 知乎
1939年3月德国吞并捷克后,大部分火炮落入德国手中,德国国防军在第二次世界大战中继续使用捷克的15厘米VZ25重型榴弹炮,它以15厘米sFH 25(t)的形式被纳入国防军服役。
15 cm hrubá houfnice vz. 25 - Wikipedia
The 15 cm hrubá houfnice vz. 25 (Heavy howitzer model 25) was a Czech heavy howitzer used in the Second World War. It was taken into Wehrmacht service as the 15 cm sFH 25(t). Slovakia had 126 in inventory.
15cm HRUBÁ HOUFNICE VZOR.25 - Quartermaster Section
The 15cm HH Vz.25 (Hrubý Houfnice Vzor 25) was a heavy howitzer which was designed and built by the Czech firm Skoda. The Vz.25 was one of the first weapons to be designed for the Czech military after receiving independence.
Czechoslovak Model 48 Submachine Guns, (SMGs 23 and 25)
2020年3月1日 · Model 48 (23/25) submachine guns were primarily designed for the Czechoslovak Army, but right from the start of the production, they were also supplied to the National Security Corps–the Czechoslovak uniformed police of that time. Two hundred thousand guns that were produced were far from enough for these purposes.