Luis Godoy-Vaca - Google Académico - Google Scholar
KHG Luis Godoy-Vaca, Catalina Vallejo-Coral, Francis Vásquez, Geovanna ... Proceedings of Building Simulation 2019: 16th Conference of IBPSA, 4353-4360 , 2020 2020
中国幽门螺杆菌强细胞毒株和弱细胞毒株vacA基因全长序列特征与VacA …
VacA是以140 kDa毒素前体的形式被翻译, 在分泌过程中经过N-和C-端的水解产生N-端信号肽 (Signal Peptide, SP) (氨基酸残基-33-0)、88 kDa的成熟毒素p88 (氨基酸残基1-821)、未知功能的分泌α肽 (Secreted Alpha Peptide, SAP) (氨基酸残基822-954)和C-端β-桶型结构域 (Beta-Barrel Domain, BBD) (氨基酸残基955-1254). p88含有p33和p55两个结构域, 其中p33 (氨基酸残基1-311)与孔的形成有关, 而p55 (氨基酸残基312-821)含有一个或多个细胞结合区域. p33和p55结 …
Vacuolating cytotoxin A (VacA), a key toxin for - Frontiers
Jul 11, 2012 · Research in the past few decades has revealed that VacA has a variety of effects on host cells and has been termed a “multi-functional toxin.” Vacuolation is perhaps the most distinct effect of VacA. This pronounced accumulation of internal membranous vesicles (Figure 1) occurs following VacA internalization by the host cell.
Cristian J. Vaca-Rubio | IEEE Xplore Author Details
Cristian J. Vaca-Rubio received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in telematics engineering and telematic and telecommunication networks from the University of Malaga, Spain, in 2018 and 2019, respectively.
An Overview of Helicobacter pylori VacA Toxin Biology - MDPI
VacA is classified as a pore-forming toxin, and many of its effects on host cells are attributed to formation of channels in intracellular sites. The most extensively studied VacA activity is its capacity to stimulate vacuole formation, but the toxin has many additional effects on host cells.
Helicobacter pylori VacA-induced mitochondrial damage in the …
Exploring host cell specificity, pathogenicity, and molecular mechanisms of the vacuolating cytotoxin A (VacA), secreted by Helicobacter pylori (Hp) is crucial for developing novel treatment strategies. VacA affects subcellular events, particularly mitochondria, at a cell-type-specific level.
American in Crimea Interviews Victor Hugo Vaca, Nostradamus ... - YouTube
Victor Hugo Vaca Jr. is known as the 'Nostradamus of the Art World' because his paintings foreshadow events. But it's not that he can see the future; it's that as an artist, he has met the people...
Rocio Vaca - Google Scholar
R Vaca, J Lugo, R Martinez, MV Esteller, H Zavaleta. Revista internacional de contaminación ambiental 27 (4), 304-311, 2011. 77: 2011: Vermicomposting as a process to stabilize organic waste and sewage sludge as an apllication for soil. PD …
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Vietnamese-American Conservative Alliance (VACA)
VACA Goals and Objectives Thư từ và ngân phiếu xin gửi về Minh Anh Truong Nguyen12910 Big Sur Dr. Tampa, FL 33625 Please click here for upcoming and past VACA events Xin nhấn vào đây để đọc tin tức mới bằng tiếng Việt Please click here for recently posted articles in English Articles from Diễn…