New insights into the tonoplast architecture of plant vacuoles …
2005年8月4日 · Vacuoles play fundamental roles in adjusting cellular homeostasis and allowing cell growth. The composition of the vacuole and the regulation of its volume depend on the …
Tonoplast | Plant Cell Organelles
The tonoplast is also called as the vacuolar membrane, and it is a cytoplasmic membrane that surrounds a vacuole, thus separating the vacuolar contents from the cytoplasm of the cell. As …
Tonoplasts Overview, Function & Structure - Lesson | Study.com
2023年11月21日 · The tonoplast's main function is to separate the inner vacuole, or vacuole lumen, from the outer cellular cytoplasm, or cytosol, which is the fluid-like material in which cell …
Targeting of tonoplast proteins to the vacuole - ScienceDirect
2013年10月1日 · Golgi-dependent and independent pathways target tonoplast proteins to the vacuole. Sorting occurs at the ER, the trans -Golgi network and pre-vacuolar compartments. …
Vacuolar membrane structures and their roles in plant–pathogen ...
The plant vacuole is surrounded by a membrane barrier known as the tonoplast, which separates the vacuolar content from the cytoplasm (Fig. 1). The semi-permeable tonoplast maintains a …
Isolation of Vacuoles and the Tonoplast - PubMed
Analyses of tonoplast preparations free of major contaminants provide insights into vesicular fusion machinery, solute transport, and the vacuole association with the cytoskeleton, whereas …
Isolation of intact vacuoles and proteomic analysis of tonoplast …
A large number of proteins in the tonoplast, including pumps, carriers, ion channels and receptors support the various functions of the plant vacuole. To date, few proteins involved in these …
Targeting of tonoplast proteins to the vacuole - PubMed
These membrane proteins carry out many critical functions of the vacuole such as transporting ions and metabolites for vacuolar storage. Understanding the mechanisms for targeting …
Tonoplast - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Recently, the plant vacuole received attention as another cellular site containing a functional complement of PIs. The vacuole, surrounded by the tonoplast membrane, is an important …
Isolation of Vacuoles and the Tonoplast | SpringerLink
2016年10月12日 · Analyses of tonoplast preparations free of major contaminants provide insights into vesicular fusion machinery, solute transport, and the vacuole association with the …