NRC provides only general guidance to licensees concerning the implementation of vacuum drying. In particular, NUREG–1536, “Standard Review Plan for Dry Cask Storage Systems,” (NRC, 2010) states that NRC staff accepts vacuum drying methods comparable to those
Design and implementation of cask system for EAST
2017年2月1日 · For this purpose, a storage cask has been designed to provide vacuum and temperature conditioning and an interface to the EAST vacuum vessel for AIA (before) and EAMA (after). The cask system is composed of pumping system, baking system and cooling system.
TN-RAM is currently available in the US for transportation of high activity irradiated hardware. Dry irradiated and contaminated non-fuel-bearing solid materials contained within a secondary container. Contents ≤ 1,272 times an A2 quantity. Decay heat of the contents ≤ 300 watts.
There are two types of drying methods: vacuum and forced helium drying. The vacuum drying process depends on reduced pressure to evaporate moisture from the canister, whereas in the forced helium drying process, the moisture is removed by …
OCL and NFT have designed a transportable storage cask for the use at independent spent fuel storage installations. The most distinctive feature of the cask is triple lid system. This triple lid system enables the cask to be transported from an ISFSI with no hot cell and no welding facility of lids, if the metallic gasket loses the leakage seal.
Transfer of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) from wet to dry storage requires removal of water from the dry storage canister or cask, using common industry vacuum drying methods. Dry storage containers are backfilled with inert gas, and very little water is presumed to remain.
Experimental Evaluation of Drying Spent Nuclear Fuel for Dry Cask ...
2021年11月11日 · All SNF must be dried to an accepted Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) drying criteria before being placed in dry storage. Inadequately drying SNF increases the risk of detrimental effects to the fuel while in dry storage. Two commonly used drying operations in the nuclear industry are vacuum drying and forced helium dehydration (FHD).
The calculation program of vacuum drying was developed to analyze analytically vacuum drying process of transfer/storage canister or cask with spent nuclear fuel. This program was based on pressure increase by natural evaporation of residual water and pressure decrease by vacuum pump. The effect of residual water and temperature on vacuum ...
Holtec Offers to Share Its Patented Cask Drying Technology with …
2014年7月7日 · The classical method for drying the canister/cask – vacuum drying – has been in use for well over three decades. Seeking to provide a method to further minimize the possibility of used fuel damage during drying, Holtec International dedicated focused research to develop a new drying technology that would subject the fuel to significantly ...
The cask was vacuum dried for about 8 hours down to a pressure of 55 Pa. The vacuum drying system was secured and the pressure increased to 130 Pa following the required 30 minute hold, verifying the cask was dry. The cask was backfilled with helium to 0.22 MPa. The cask then remained in the decon bay for a thermal soak period of 12