Vagabond 47 - SailNet Community
2009年3月21日 · A friend and former shipmate is considering buying a Vagabond 47 ketch of early 1980s vintage. I have been asked for advice on this boat and know nothing about the design or builder. Any comments on the boat or the builder by …
Vagabond 47 - SailNet Community
2002年6月2日 · A friend of mine just left the VI on world tour in a Vagabond 47. I crawled through every nook and cranny. Heavy, heavy, heavy glass job. Average to great joiner work. He did some rewiring. The boat is in impeccable condition. Teak decks. He was off a leeward shore in a blow last fall (south side St. John) and the 120hp Purrkins barely made ...
Looking for Vagabond 47 Owners - SailNet Community
2007年10月2日 · Gary, Google S/V Renegade. She is a 47 Vagabond owned by Dirk and Nancy. Nancy has asked me before to have any Vagabond owners get in touch with her as she is hosting a Vagabond owners group. If you google S/V Renegade and post to her, she will respond. I believe they are in Granada at this time. Good luck! Kevin
Vagabond 47 observations - SailNet Community
2015年7月22日 · I've started my liveaboard search in earnest and I recently reviewed a Vagabond 47 in Fort Lauderdale and it seemed to me that there was an odd interior layout with considerable wasted space inside. The forward cabin was tiny and awkward whereas the saloon was cavernous with a lot of open space where nothing lived.
Vagabond Sailboat - SailNet Community
2006年9月2日 · vagabond Am familiar with the 47 foot vagabonds the bowsprit tends to rot out and the steel water tanks corrode, need to be replaced which is a $10,000 job
Westwind 42 vagabond - SailNet Community
2011年5月30日 · The Vagabond 47 was designed by William Garden, probably in the early 1960's, for Earnest Chamberlain, who founded Bluewater Yacht Builders in Taiwan to build it. Garden was a designer of quite extraordinarily diverse yachts and other vessels. From what I've seen he was a superb draftsman and creative designer.
Vagabond and Westwind Sailboats - SailNet Community
2014年3月2日 · The vagabond 47 has been great, although maintenance heavy as it was not well looked after for the first 15 years and not geared up to live aboard standard. Anyway the biggest drawback has been the core plywood in the deck which of …
Vagabond 47 Drawings - SailNet Community
2019年9月16日 · Vagabond 47 Drawings Jump to Latest 1.4K views 0 replies 1 participant last post by 47Bluewater Sep 16, 2019
Vagabond 47 - black holding tank location | SailNet Community
2016年6月8日 · Hello. We are looking into purchasing a Vagabond 47. The previous owners replaced the forward head with a composting toilet and it is our understanding they may have also removed the holding tank. We are trying to learn where the holding tanks are/were installed. Can any owners/previous owners shed some light on this.
Vagabond 47 in Puerto Vallarta - SailNet Community
2007年10月16日 · I have found that the price on the Vagabonds, the 42, 47 and 52, varies wildly. I myself bought a 42 just over 2 years ago for just $63,000. The factors seem to be mainly the amount of rot in the interior, the condition of the plumbing and the wireing.