Te Korowai Whāriki - Regional Forensic and Rehabilitation Services
Vaka o le Pasifika is the first re-designed facility in New Zealand Forensic services, looking to provide a safe friendly environment for Pacific people using mental health services to enable preservation of cultural practices, protocols, values, beliefs and identity.
Tagata Pasifika [2009–2014] - cabfreeware
The main activities and programmes provided to Tagata Pasifika clients include wood carving, cooking, traditional music, gardening, weaving, sports and field trips, to name a few. For more information, the Vaka Pasifika team can be contacted on 0.
VAKA - 淘宝网|Taobao
THE VAKA, AMBASSADORS AND ACTORS OF THE PROTECTION OF THE OCEANS. Historically, these VAKAs, these large “voyaging canoes” were used for exploration, migration, trade, diplomatic travel and sometimes even war!
Areta Homepage | Areta
From the newest designs in garden, indoor, and outdoor seating, to special events and announcements, stay informed about everything that’s shaping the world of Areta. Experience the evolution of our distinct chair creations and explore other innovative products.
Glossary | Vaka Taumako Project
Te Vaka o Lata - The Vaka made by Lata (and those who are the heirs of Lata). Proa design and massively outrigged. Te Puke - largest type of Vaka o Lata. minimum length of 6 fadom (fingertip to fingertip with outstretched arms), Has a house.
Vaka Custom Knives - Facebook
Vaka Custom Knives. 2,052 likes · 2 talking about this. Knives and sculptural creations. - Vaka, Norway. By Stian Eriksen.
(@arta.vaka) • Instagram photos and videos
0 Followers, 448 Following, 40 Posts - @arta.vaka on Instagram: "" 0 Followers, 448 Following, 40 Posts - @arta.vaka on Instagram: "" Search. Log into Instagram. Log in to see photos and videos from friends and discover other accounts you'll love. Log in. Sign Up. Log In. Sign Up. arta.vaka. Follow. 40 posts. 326 followers. 399 following. This ...
VAKA - Axema
VAKA ® is a future-proof, user-friendly access control system that protects your entire property quickly and easily – multi-family buildings, offices, commercial properties, industrial properties and public spaces. High level of security with instant restriction of code, tag or remotes.
Areta Ridera Biography/Wiki, Age, Height, Career, Photos & More
Areta Ridera is a Bulgarian actress & model, born on 28 October 1994 in Bulgaria. In 2024, she started her career in the entertainment industry with the film studio ‘Woodman’. Read More Biographies