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Tarok igra - VALAT.si
Valat.si je najbolj priljubljen in dodelan slovenski tarok strežnik. Ima več kot šest tisoč igralcev dnevno, tudi ponoči.
Slovenian Tarock - valat.si - Apps on Google Play
Apr 9, 2022 · Valat.si is a popular online website where players can meet and play tarok. From now on, you can play much more comfortably with a phone or tablet in your hand.
Slovenian Tarok - card game rules
Colour valat (barvni valat) If the contract is solo three, solo two or solo one, the delarer can, after exchanging cards with the talon, increase the contract to colour valat. This is the normal way in which colour valat arises - colour valat with the talon cannot be bid directly.
valat - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
valat. second-person singular present indicative of valaa; Anagrams [edit] latva, lavat, valta; Occitan [edit] Etymology [edit] (This etymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at the Etymology scriptorium.) Pronunciation [edit] Audio : Noun [edit]
Pravila slovenskega taroka - VALAT.si
Pravila, ki jih pravkar berete, veljajo na strežniku valat.si in so zato zelo primerna tudi za igranje v živo. So slovenski prevod pravil na tej spletni strani, z nekaj trivialnimi spremembami: Točke za razliko se ne zaokrožujejo na najbližjih 5 točk, temveč na točko natančno.
What does valat mean? - Definitions.net
Definition of valat in the Definitions.net dictionary. Meaning of valat. What does valat mean? Information and translations of valat in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.
Valat - Wikipedia
Valat is a village in the Wayanad district of the state of Kerala, India. The village is situated near to Kannur district. There are two Higher Secondary schools in the village and three GV.LP Schools. The majority of its residents work in the agriculture and business industries.
Tarock Game - VALAT.si
Valat.si is the most popular Slovenian Tarock playing server. Log in / register. Doing so you accept cookies and accept all terms. More... Facebook login Google login. Log out. Nakup / status članarine. Forum Top 300 Rules Facebook FAQ (Slovenian) Zamenjava imena ali slike
Spletni Tarok - valat.si - Aplikacije na Google Playu
Apr 9, 2022 · Igranje z aplikacijo za igranje taroka Valat.si je pravi užitek. Imamo pregleden vmesnik in veliko naprednih funkcionalnosti. Vsak dan skupaj zberemo preko pet tisoč igralcev, zato ni skrbi, da...