EX Low Pressure Dry Pipe Valve - Reliable Sprinkler
Valve Size: 2″ (50 mm), 2-1/2″ (65 mm), 76 mm, 3″ (80 mm), 4″ (100 mm), 6″ (150 mm), 165 mm, 8″ (200 mm)
Walvoil - EX38 - Walvoil S.p.A.
EX38 is ideal for applications such as Truck Mounted Cranes, Foresry Trailers, Skip and Hook Loaders, Mini-excavators, Tractors and Agricultural Machines. - Right or Left inlet configurations. - Full Flow or LS signal pressure relief valves and solenoid unloader valve. - Pre-compensated or Post-compensated working sections configurations.
Western Valve | DAN-EX Valve | Double Block and Bleed
The DAN-EX Valve was introduced in 1979 by the Daniel Valve Company in Houston, Texas. The engineered valve was designed as an improved version of the General Twin Seal Valve. Approximately 8,000 (eight thousand) valves were produced by Daniel Valve between 1979 and 2000 and are installed worldwide.
EX4/5/6/7/8 are stepper motor driven valves for precise control of refrigerant mass flow in refrigeration, air conditioning, heat pumps, industrial cooling process and close control systems as:
The Emerson EX3 is an electronically controlled expansion device that provides precise control of refrigerant flow and system superheat. The EX3 employs a high resolution, linear stepper motor in conjunction with a built in solenoid to provide positive closure in the event of power interruption.
电子膨胀阀 - ExV
卡乐电子膨胀阀 设计用于在空调和制冷应用中,满足高达2000 kW冷却能力的要求,最突出的是在低流速下具有优良的流量控制项目。 1. 可靠度随时间的变化情况: 卡乐ExV阀门的标准设计工艺包括1*10 6 周期的加速寿命试验;该阀门符合主要的国内国际标准认证;按照这些标准保证了产品、制造工艺的最佳保证质量,并不断致力于改善环境管理系统。 2. 高精密控制: 卡乐电子控制器保证了高精密控制,特别设计用于优化空调和制冷系统的管理,主要以节能为主。 另外,通 …
The EX2 valve is a slide type solenoid valve with an orifice for expansion. This construction ensures noise free operation and avoids the „water hammer“ due to soft closing. It is either completely open or completely closed. One common valve body can be combined with 6 interchangeable orifices to cover 7
pve-ex 是一款为危险环境设计的电液驱动装置。因 此,pve-ex 模块适用于采矿与海工行业。 pve-ex 系列采用模拟 pve 系列 4(在全球广泛使用 的电液平台)的成熟技术制造而成。这款设计经过 优化,可满足 ex 行业提出的快速和轻松检测内部件 等需求。
PVE-EX 电控模块 - Danfoss
PVE-EX 采用了闭式回路控制 (CLC) 技术,能够补偿因波动的液动力、内部泄漏以及油液粘度和先导压力变化导致的阀芯流量变化。 反馈信号能够识别故障或错误的原因,以及阀芯的确切位置,因此能够快速解决问题,始终保持精确控制。 上游海上石油天然气活动开采的原油占全球原油产量将近 30%。 其中有些区域的工作环境是地球上最恶劣的。 在 3,000 米深的水域钻探,必须使用安全可靠的设备。 这有助于最大限度提高操作效率,防止意外停机。 陆上油气开采活动在世界油 …
Dan-Ex Valve Features | Double Block and Bleed Valve - Western Valve
Designed as an improved version of the General Twin Seal Valve, The DAN-EX Valve was created for improved performance in double block and bleed valve applications. Scroll down to learn more. Hover over the red numbered dots on the valve rendering to learn about the components in the DAN-EX Valve.