V44S gen2 STEREO CONDENSER - Vanguard Audio Labs
The second generation Vanguard V44S is a stereo large-diaphragm multi-pattern FET condenser microphone lovingly re-imagined by our team over the last 12 months. This unique microphone is designed to be a versatile, reliable, professional tool in the vein of highly-sought-after vintage stereo condensers of yesteryear.
一只麦克风搞定 XY、Blumlein、Mid-Side 制式:Vanguard V44S
2023年9月11日 · V44S现已推出 Gen2 版本,新的 V44S Gen2 设计了一种无变压器的固态电路,该电路与话筒振膜的独特音乐特性相匹配,使用了来自世界各地制造商的优质、高规格元器件组件,对信号和电源路径中的关键组件进行了低温处理,包括高质量的 FET 电路设计。 V44S的包装使用了高级航空箱并带有牢固的组合锁扣。 航空箱里面有一个漂亮的木盒,里面装着麦克风,还有一根5针连接线,一个非常厚实的话筒防震架和一个分频盒。 虽然 V44S 是一个无变压器设计 …
V44S gen2 Stereo Microphone Kit – Vanguard Audio Labs
The Vanguard V44S is a stereo large-diaphragm multi-pattern FET condenser microphone. Lovingly crafted by experts over 2 years, it is designed to be a versatile, reliable, professional tool in the vein of highly-sought-after vintage stereo condensers of yesteryear.
必备实用的双振膜立体声电容麦克风 Vanguard V44S Gen2
2022年12月22日 · 虽然 V44S 是一个无变压器设计的麦克风,但它比经典的 AKG C24 valve 麦克风更大,重量约为680g。 信号分频盒在前两个输出口分别传输来自下方和上方两个振膜的信号,麦克风需要在两个输出端接收48V幻像电源; 但还有第三个XLR接口从上面的话筒头发出反相信号。 只要你能腾出第三个mixer通道,这就提供了一种从V44S实现MidSides信号的方法,而无需做太多复杂的设置。 X/Y制式立体声录音是除了A/B制式立体声录音之外最常见的一种立体声录音 …
产品专访:焦得森老师测评 Vanguard V44S 双振膜立体声麦克风
2023年3月15日 · Vanguard Audio Labs - V44S 话筒 VanguardV44S是立体声大振膜多模式指向FET电容式麦克风,经过两年多的专家精心打造,它被设计为一种多功能、高可靠专业的立体声录音麦克风,可比拟过去几年备受追捧的老式立体声电容麦克风。
Vanguard V44S gen2 Stereo FET Condenser Microphone
The second generation Vanguard V44S is a stereo large-diaphragm multi-pattern FET condenser microphone lovingly re-imagined by our team over the last 12 months. This unique microphone is designed to be a versatile, reliable, professional tool in the vein of highly-sought-after vintage stereo condensers of yesteryear.
Vanguard Audio Labs V44S Gen 2 Stereo Large-Diaphragm ... - Guitar Center
The V44S Gen 2 stereo condenser microphone provides dedicated musicians with an innovative, flexible tool for capturing highly detailed stereo recordings. Lovingly crafted over two years, this precision-built microphone features a pair of coincident, multi-pattern condenser capsules that can be configured for X/Y, Mid-Side, Blumlein and other ...
Vanguard Audio Labs V44S gen2 | Stereo Microphone
The Vanguard V44S is a stereo large-diaphragm multi-pattern FET condenser microphone. Lovingly crafted by experts over 2 years, it is designed to be a versatile, reliable, professional tool in the vein of highly-sought-after vintage stereo condensers of yesteryear.
Mix Magazine’s V44S gen2 Review – Vanguard Audio Labs
“The Vanguard Labs V44s gen2 is a good all around workhorse of a stereo condenser microphone that will see more use for new, original recordings/productions made for the Atmos-spatial-immersive formats. This is a good mic to add to your collection!” Many thanks to Barry for the great review, we’re glad you loved our gen2 V44S!
Vanguard V44S gen2 Stereo FET Condenser Microphone
The second-generation Vanguard Audio Labs V44S is a stereo large-diaphragm multi-pattern FET condenser microphone lovingly re-imagined by the Vanguard team over 2020. This unique microphone is designed to be a versatile, reliable, professional tool in the vein of highly sought-after vintage stereo condensers of yesteryear.