Vaprak - Forgotten Realms Wiki
Vaprak (pronounced: /ˈvæpræk/ VÆP-ræk[13]) the Destroyer[1][2][3] was a demigod[1][7] or lesser deity[2][3][14] of greed, destruction, frenzy, and violence[7] and the patron deity of …
Vaprak - Great Library of Greyhawk
Vaprak is the chief deity worshipped by ogres and trolls. His symbol is a taloned hand. Vaprak has a humanoid form colored a horrid mottled brown and green. He has an elemental, savage …
瓦普拉克Vaprak | 龙与地下城 Wiki | Fandom
瓦普拉克Vaprak 是深渊第524层领主,也是食人魔与巨魔之神。 他曾是巨人之母 欧赛雅Othea 的一系列情夫之一。 巨人之母欧赛雅与各种神灵间开始了一系列不甚满意的婚外情,其中包括 …
Hand of Vaprak - Forgotten Realms Wiki
Hand of Vaprak was a powerful magical artifact created by Elminster out of a cut-off hand of Gornak, an oni mage empowered by Vaprak himself.
Vaprak (MoMy) | Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition …
Vaprak is known simply as "The Destroyer." This deity has a quality of elemental savagery well suited to the ogre race, which holds him as a patron. Rapacious and violent, Vaprak is …
食人魔之神瓦普拉克(Vaprak) - 新浪博客
2013年4月2日 · 瓦普拉克是巨人众神之领导者盎恩 (Annam)的敌人。 传说叙述了这样一个故事,一个丑陋的女食人魔为了勾引 盎恩而伪装了自己,而瓦普拉克就是这狡诈的结合的结晶。 …
Vaprak - Speex Realms Wiki
Vaprak is an Irda, and is the patron deity of ogres who is said to have helped create the ogre race through a brief union with Gaea. Vaprak when he appears is said to resemble a perfect mix of …
Vaprak - 1eonline.info
Vaprak regenerates 7 HP per round. Ogres & trolls revere Vaprak for his uncompromising ferocity and ability to destroy whatever lies in his path or causes him trouble. Vaprak sometimes (2% …
Vaprak the Destroyer « AuldDragon's AD&D Blog
2015年1月8日 · Vaprak (VAHP-rahk) the Destroyer is the rapacious and savage god of ogres and trolls. Motivated primarily by base instinct and emotion, his actions are frenetic and …
Vaprak - Greyhawk Wiki
2011年12月15日 · Vaprak is an enemy of the giant pantheon led by Annam. One legend says that a vastly tall, hideous ogress disguised herself in order to seduce Annam, and that Vaprak was …