Varian, Inc. - Wikipedia
In 2008, Varian bought Oxford Diffraction, a British company specializing in X-ray diffraction equipment. On 27 July 2009, Agilent Technologies announced it would buy Varian Inc, for $1.5 Billion. On 14 October 2014, Agilent made the strategic decision to close its NMR business. Agilent entered the NMR business in 2010, with the acquisition of ...
The Varian story - ScienceDirect
2015年1月1日 · This Perspective offers a personal view of the story of Varian NMR, a courageous initiative that began in the 1950s but came to an abrupt end some 60 years later. Without doubt, Varian leaves behind a priceless legacy, particularly in the field of structural chemistry.
2001年12月19日 · All students should refer regularly to the Varian VNMR Liquids Users Guide for learning and the Varian VNMR Command Reference Guide for specific guidance. All the Varian documentation is available in both hardcopy and on-line.
Varian Associates and the birth of commercial NMR spectroscopy
2019年9月1日 · Founded in 1948, Varian Associates sold the first commercial NMR spectrometer in 1952.
No More Varian - Science | AAAS
2014年10月16日 · This week has brought news that Agilent is getting out of the NMR business, which brings an end to the Varian line of machines, one of the oldest in the business. (Agilent bought Varian in 2010). The first NMR I ever used was a Varian EM-360, which was the workhorse teaching instrument back then.
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer, Varian A-60A
Varian Associates introduced its first commercial NMR spectrometer in 1953. The Varian A-60, designed for organic chemists and introduced at the Pittsburgh Conference of 1961, was a more successful instrument: relatively compact, reliable, stable, affordable, and easy to use.
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Varian NMR System
Varian NMR System は、10 年という長きに渡り好評を博した前身機UNITYINOVAに更なる改良を加えた、Varian が自信を持ってお奨めする最先端のNMR装置です。 600MHz マグネット シグナルルーター オートチューンモジュール ProTune
Varian Guides – Chemistry NMR Facility – UW–Madison
Most of these guides were written more than 5 years ago, and are for VNMR 6.1C. Step-by-step guides listed below are designated by (sbs), and provide detailed instructions that can be easily followed on the spectrometers. Accompanying guides have more conceptual, pulse programming, and/or parameter information.
2005年2月11日 · This document describes operation of the three hands-on Varian NMR spectrometers (VI-500, VI-300, and VXR-300). The standard probe for the VI-500 is a triple-resonance indirect detection PFG probe that is set up to observe 1H, 13C, and 31P nuclei and is equipped with pulsed field gradients (PFG).
Acquire 1D 1H spectrum, as described in the Varian basic training manual, in the experiment that has the experiment number Exp:1. It is adequate to measure this spectrum with only one transient (nt=1) if you do not wish to plot COSY spectrum with the corresponding 1D proton spectrum along its vertical and horizontal axes.