VAS6774, Fuel Identification Unit - VW Authorized Tools and …
VAS 6774 helps workshop personnel to assess the respective diesel fuel before comprehensive measurements (system pressure or leak tests) need to be performed on the fuel system. This fuel detection unit serves as an orientation aid and is NO substitute for any laboratory analysis that may be necessary.
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VAS 6774
VAS 6774 soll den Diagnose-Spezialisten eine Chance geben, Verunreinigungen in den Kraftstoffen in Kundenfahrzeugen aufzuspüren. VAS 6774 soll sicher stellen, dass nur wenige Kraftstoffproben in das Kraftstoflabor müssen. 0 und 6,5 haben, deuten auf ein Kraftstoffge-misch hin, das unter Umständen entzündlich ist.
Please review the instructional DVD included in the tool case titled ‘Fuel-Identification Kit VAS 6774’. Here you will find a user manual, an FAQ, and a video that will describe the proper way to use, clean, and maintain this tool.
2012年6月27日 · VAS 6774 helps workshop personnel to assess the respective diesel fuel before comprehensive measurements (system pressure or leak tests) need to be performed on the fuel system. This fuel detection unit serves as an orientation aid and is NO substitute for any laboratory analysis that may be necessary.
VAS 6774 soll den Diagnose-Spezialisten eine Chance geben – Verunreinigungen in den Kraftstoffen in Kundenfahrzeugen aufzuspüren. VAS 6774 soll sicherstellen dass nur wenige Kraftstoff-Proben in das Kraftstoff-Labor müssen.
Volkswagen Audi VAS 6774 OEM Fuel Identification Kit - eBay
2025年1月23日 · Volkswagen Audi VAS 6774 OEM Fuel Identification Kit will assess Diesel Fuel before work can begin on fuel systems. Model for US & Canada. Normally sells for over $1500.
2015年12月14日 · test a fuel sample using the VAS 6774 Fuel Identification Unit. If the VAS 6774 specific gravity test result or the gasoline vapor (sensor head) test result indicates incorrect/contaminated fuel, a dealer will then submit a fuel sample.
VAS6774/1, Fuel Identification Unit - Density Gauge - VW …
Replacement part for fuel identification device VAS 6774. Warranty 24 months Manufacturer Autotestgeraete Leitenberger GmbH ASE 404 531 00 000
Audi of America is pleased to inform you of the release and automatic delivery of the VAS 6774 Fuel Identification Unit. Poor fuel quality can negatively impact vehicle performance or even damage the fuel system. This tool enables you to quickly pre-analyze the fuel to determine if it may be contributing to a vehicle’s symptoms.
VAS6774, Fuel Identification Unit - Porsche Authorized Special …
VAS 6774 helps workshop personnel to assess the respective diesel fuel before comprehensive measurements (system pressure or leak tests) need to be performed on the fuel system. This …