VAS6778, Optical Control Unit - VW Authorized Tools and …
With the replacement "MOST 150" optical control unit, it is possible to check and find faults in fiber optic cables. (Localization of defective control units in optical BUS.) Initial use: Infotainment …
2019年3月8日 · 该导线仅用于在出现故障时诊断断环情况,在MOST150上出现光学故障时,必须使用一种经过改动的工具——光学替换控制单元VAS 6778诊断。 LVDS总线,如图6,这种数据总线传输电压较低,与高速CAN总线系统相似,可以分析电压差,LVDS总线上电压约为0.3伏。 奥迪Q7上,LVDS 用于液晶显示器、环境摄像头控制单元J928、信息电子系统1控制单元J794和组合仪表控制单元J285之间的图像传输。 LVDS导线与FLexRay导线类似有包皮,与FLexRay不同的 …
Even though the ring break diagnosis procedure remains unchanged, a new special tool - VAS 6778 - must be used if there is a DTC in the optical system. This is due to the increased data transmission speeds.
Wenn auch der Ablauf der Ringbruchdiagnose gleich geblieben ist, so muss bei einem optischen Fehler beim MOST150, auf Grund der geänderten Sende- und Empfangseinheiten in den Steuergeräten, ein geändertes Werkzeug verwendet werden – das …
Control unit, optical VAS 6778 - oemVWshop.com
This OEM Genuine Control units, optical with part number: ASE40520100000, ASE40520100000, ASE 405 201 00 000 is covered by 2 years factory warranty. Part is produced by VAG Volkswagen group (Audi Volkswagen Skoda Seat).
VAG ASE40520100000 vas 6778 Audi, Seat, Škoda and VW …
It's a genuine VAG part with an OEM part number ASE40520100000, part of instruments/fittings. This vas 6778 has a standard 1 year or 12,000 miles (whichever occurs first) VAG warranty on new and factory-remanufactured replacement parts and accessories.
This Control Unit, Optical Vas 6778 (Part Number ASE40520100000) fits Rolls-Royce and Bentley models. Please contact our parts team if you have any questions regarding this part and …
Bentley control unit, optical vas 6778 ASE40520100000
Bentley control unit, optical vas 6778 ASE40520100000 $ 822,03 $1.011,10 inc. VAT
Buy OPTICAL CTRL UNIT VAS6778 (ASE40520100000-OEM) from flyingspares.com - Global Rolls-Royce & Bentley parts supplier.
VAS6778, Optical Control Unit - Audi Authorized Tools and …
With the replacement "MOST 150" optical control unit, it is possible to check and find faults in fiber optic cables. (Localization of defective control units in optical BUS.) Initial use: Infotainment …